Chapter 6

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James's head couldn't stop spinning. What is happening, he thought. His world was being spun around and around. Everything had been okay until that stupid pirate captain steeped in to everything. Why did the Captain want with him and Peter? He thought. James made his way back to the brown brick hobble from the night before. He practically ran up the steps and banged on the door. The second the door unbolted, James shoved through it and turned. The girl was standing there, slightly baffled.
She said, "What the bloody-"

James cut her off. "Has anyone come by here? Anyone at all? Any pirates walking the streets? Banging on your door?"

The girl said, "Umm... no. No one has come by. As always."


"What are ramblin' on about?"

"Nothing. Just stay out of sight for a little while, alright?"

"More than usual?"


"May I ask why the bloody hell you basically broke through my door?"

"Nothing, alright?"

"Fine. Have it your way then."

"I just want you to be safe."

"From what?! James, nothing has hurt me yet you constantly believe that someone wants to attack me! Give me answers, dammit!!!"

James brushed his fingers through his hair. He couldn't think of what to tell her. What if he told her what she needed to know and she start freaking out? What if she tried to leave and got killed? He couldn't bear the thought. James said blankly, "Stay out of harm's way. That's all I ask." James simply turned and walk out the door. The girl ran to the door and slammed it. It sounded like the first earthquake in London a few years back. James wished that she could just understand that he only wanted to protect her. He did not know, however, that the girl would be cleaning the hobble in frustration that night and would find a folded piece of parchment that had fallen out of James's pocket.

Hello, everyone! This is just an early Christmas present! Hope you enjoy!

(Next Update: December 29th)

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