Chapter 7

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As James promised, he came back minutes before darkness. He seemed furious about something but Peter didn't want to bother him. 

Peter's dreams consisted of canons blasting down ships, fairies coming to the rescue to save the heroes and something about flashing tails on the water. It was the oddest dream he had had yet. It was indeed odd, yet somehow it felt natural. Peter just could not explain it.

He woke up the next morning in high spirits. Peter just couldn't stop smiling. James, however, woke up in grumble. He obviously did not sleep very well.
Peter asked, "Anything you want to say about what happened last night?"

James grumbled, "Not yet. Just let's get on with the day, shall we?"

A voice around them said, "Yes. Let's get on with it."
Both of the boys nearly jumped. The figure that stood before them was Tina. She wore her usual green cotton pants and yellow shirt. "Whose up for some adventure?"

The boys looked at each other. Peter asked, "What are you doing here?! How did you know we were getting ready for something?"

Tina rolled her eyes. "Do you think I would have handed you that note without looking at it first?! I'm not completely stupid!"

James said, "We are not letting you go with us. We don't know what's going to happen. It could be a trap."

"It's probably nothing. But, on the other hand, it could actually be some sort of trap. By the way I'm a good resource to have. I could probably take down an enemy two times quicker than you."

"As a matter of fact, I-" James started.

Peter stopped him, "Just calm down. It's not a big issue." He turned to Tina. "You can go. But stay with us."

She laughed. "If you can keep up."
And that was the end of that. They spent almost the whole day to find the only place in Kensington Gardens, the shop of Walter Wilson. They found its tall frame amongst what seemed to be the tallest trees in Britain. It was two story, rigged piece of work. It had gray sides and broken windows. Peter, James and Tina sat at the edge of the trees, staring at the shop.

James said, "Seems pretty calm around. Bit off but that's fine."

Tina said, "Different ways in. The roof is penetrable. The windows could be broken."

Peter sighed, "We could just walk through the front door." James and Tina glared at him. "What? It's easier than figuring a place to get in if there is a door to get in through."

Tina said, "That makes too much sense. If this is a trap, that would be the way they would expect us to go."

"Whatever you-"
There a sound of a breaking twig from behind them. They all twisted their heads to the sound. "What was that?"

James whispered, "I'm about to find out." He walked straight back into the woods, looking for the culprit. A few moments passed. Then, in a split second, there was a crash and a hushing female voice saying, "Get off me, James! It's me!" A moment later and James stepped out with a girl wearing a black shirt and red shorts. She looked about a year younger than Peter. She was probably the most beautiful thing that Peter had ever seen. But Peter kept his thoughts to himself. Peter asked, "James, who is this?"

James looked like he was struggling for words. He cleared his throat and he said, not looking at Peter, "This is my sister, Jeanette."

(Next Update: January 5th 2017)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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