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"Fuck I'm hungry!" I say almost in monotone.

"Don't worry about it, I brought chips."

We start eating the chips, and laughing at basically nothing.

"Andy, Do you wanna try something harder? Coke? Heroine? Meth?"

"Hey, I'm just on weed and tripped as fuck. You can do some though."

He heats and injects some heroine. Before I can blink my eye, he starts convulsing on the ground. I panic, trying to get my thoughts together.

Call 911.

Ill get arrested.

Call 911.

Ill get arrested.

Call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Get a fucking ambulance to CMR high school right now please!!!!"

"Calm down, can you please explain to me what happened?"

"He just injected himself with heroine then started like twitching and wriggling on the ground and I don't know what the fuck to do!!!"

Off in the distance, I hear sirens.

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