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It seemed to take forever for tonight's beating to stop. After fifteen more minutes, he finally subdues the assault and resides back on the couch. I watch him with disgust as he takes a sip from a bottle of jack and stares blankly at the TV. I weakly stand, and walk upstairs to my room. I walk into my room, then into my bathroom. I stand, looking at myself, in the bathroom mirror. That cut's going to leave a nasty scar. I get a washcloth and dampen it with warm water, them softly press it against the cut. It sting hurts like hell, and I still have to clean it out with peroxide. After cleaning the cut, I leave the bathroom and sit on my bed, reaching for my headphones. Right as I grab my Beats, I hear a blood curdling scream, then silence. The silence is only momentary. Conners voice is barely audible, but I can make out what he's saying to Haley.

"Hah, this'll teach the little fucker to disobey me, won't it?"

I hear a sound that vaguely sounds like a whip cracking. He's beating Cody with a belt. I step out of my room, and see Conner standing over Cody's limp body. There's a slash on his arm from the belt.

"Get.. Away.. From... CODY!!" I yell as I throw myself down the stairs, knocking Conner off of Cody. Before anything else happens, I pick up Cody and run outside. After running a few blocks with him, I lay him down on someone's lawn, and after a few minutes, he wakes up. He's terrified. He explains what happened, and I calm him down.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, okay? It'll be okay. Ill never let Conner hurt you ever again, buddy. You wanna go to McDonald's?"

He sniffles and nods his head.


Oh my fuck I literally haven't updated any of my story's in like a year, sorry!!


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