Overview of Horror Subgenras (Lesson)

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Overview of Horror Subgenras -


There are no definitive subgenras to horror, although many people have tried to categorize the various types. After reading article upon article on the topic, I've come to the conclusion that their definitions are broad and obscure at best.

An example of this would be the well heard of categorization, Supernatural Horror. This clunks together everything from alien invasions, to haunted houses, to fantastic monsters. Most authors tossed into this category don't even agree with it, feeling the title is misleading. Those individuals tend to prefer titles such as "Dark Fantasy", "Paranormal" or "Supernatural Thriller" I agree that mixing these all together is unfair, and that better subgenras can be achieved.

So, here is my version of the subcategories. This will probably help you understand what I'm talking about later on in this book as well, as it is the terminology I use.


Creepy Kids Horror -

Includes evil children.

Examples: Bloody Birthday / Children of the Corn / The Good Son / The Omen / Orphan

Psycho Horror -

Usually has a fixed viewpoint through a tormented psychopathic killer. It can also be done with the viewpoint of an individual trying to decide if something is really after them, or if they're just going insane.

Examples: Joshua / Last House on the Left / Psycho / Saw / Silence of the Lambs

Slasher Horror -

Classic killer killing people. Focuses more on the violence and murders rather than the characters themselves. Gore is key here. Very popular in the '70s and '80s.

AKA: Gorror

Examples: A Nightmare on Elm St. / Chucky / Friday the 13th / Halloween / Hellraiser

----- Hardcore Horror -

Subcategory of Slasher Horror. In your face gore that doesn't stop. Often believed to "cross the line". Not recommended for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach.

AKA: Splatterpunk / Viceral Horror

Examples: 7 Days / Carver / The Devils Rejects / Grotesque / Hostel

Soft Horror -

This category is preferred by those who aren't usually among the horror audience, as the horror concepts are provided in a comfortable way.

AKA: Quiet Horror

Examples: 9 (animated) / The Addams Family / Coraline (animated) / Corpse Bride (animated) / The Munsters

Teen Horror -

Revolves around one teen or a group of teens. Often stimulated by generic teen issues such as dating and schoolwork.

Examples: Final Destination / The Hole / House of Wax / Prom Night / Scream


Dark Fantasy -

Usually doesn't include an actual antagonist, but focuses on the evil within everyone. Includes fantasy aspects, sometimes as subtle as vivid dreams, a mental breakdown that causes reality to crack, or hallucinations.

Examples: The Butterfly Effect / Donnie Darko / Pans Labyrinth / The Skeleton Key / Shrooms

Monster Horror -

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