Chapter 35

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Okay so this is the last chapter and i'm saying sorry in advance because I honestly don't really like it. Anyways enjoy! I really loved writing this and I just wanted to say thank you all for all your support! 


Part 103

Dean waited outside of Cas's door, the dance was tonight and Dean was picking Cas up. They had decided against Dean waiting inside because they would never get out of it. Turns out coming out wasn't such a big deal, sure for Cas it was, but nobody really thought different of him. They all supported him and he was glad, he wouldn't know what to do if that was the case. Dean said that if that was the case, Cas would be strong enough but Cas didn't think so. He was just glad that that wasn't the case. Dean was glad too, he was also extremely proud, Cas handled coming out as a champ. And now they could hold hands in public and be open about themselves. Dean was daydreaming when Cas came out of the house, wearing a tux and everything. He was wearing a simple black suit with a grey tie, Dean was wearing the same thing except he was wearing a grey suit with a black tie. Cas got in the car and kissed him quick, just like he always did these days. It was nice and normal, and Dean absolutely loved it. "Hey, ready?" Cas said, Dean smiled and drove of the driveway. "Ready as i'll ever be" He answered. At school they met up with their friends and they danced all night. Cas's slight fear never came to reality, there were no bullies, no judgemental people and best of all no people suffering because of him. All in all it was a fantastic night. Sam came later on with Gabriel. Sam came more out of his shell when he was with Gabe, Dean was glad Sam deserved it, even if he had to go to the principal office more times since he started seeing gabe than all his years in this high school before he met Gabe. All in all they were all pretty great.

Part 104 (Last part / Epilogue)

Years after years they would tell the same thing to their child. Dad fell in love with dad before either of them realised. Dean would always claim he was special, that Cas never loved someone the way Cas loved him. Cas would always say Dean's ego was to big but he knew it was true, Maryanne knew so too. After Cas decided to be a teacher and Dean a mechanic they moved out of the house and studied at the college of Lawrence. After a few years they moved into a house and they adopted a daughter. The name was a combination between Dean's mom and Cas's sister since he didn't want to rename his child after the so called 'mother' who left him. Dean's dad had an accident about two years after he started college and at first it was hard but he had Cas and they worked it out. It wasn't perfect and it would never be but they were happy and healthy. Sometimes people would look twice when they walked hand-in-hand but Cas was too in love to care. They were free.

Sam and Gabe moved away to New-York after the accident and Sam became a lawyer while Gabe became a candy shop owner. They decided against kids since they liked it too much to be together. They did adopt a dog though and they loved him almost as much as Dean and Cas loved Maryanne. They came together with both their whole families and friends every christmas and birthdays. They all missed each other but they all let separate lives. 


That one night (Destiel-highschool)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum