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I'm back (I'm back!) Slim Shady! What? Okay, here's some more cliches let's get into it.

×stupid nicknames. like, nicknames are super adorable but fanfic characters are just not good at coming up with them. calum could be like "hey there, wild" and she would be like "HOLY SHIT I LOVE WHEN GUYS HAVE NICKNAMES FOR ME JSODNWODN"

×every luke fic, let me give you the cast:
lanky teenage who falls irrevocably  in love with the first girl he ever dates as luke
this guy's best friend who is super hot and is always making out with his gf as calum
another bff who has a gf at first but breaks up with her bc he's in love with the first guys gf and also tries way too hard to be her best friend as michael
the guy who is the mom/big brother friend all in one and is surprisingly single as ashton
finally, the girl who doesn't think about the third guy for a second until he professes his love for her and then she's like "oh.... hmmm, maybe this could work but nvm we're just gonna be friends and you'll have to deal with being in love with me while I date and make out with your best friend right in front of you" as kaitlin
^that was SO long but it needed to be said

×the girl has like never listened to music/has no music taste until the michael is like "have you ever listened to all time low? let me play a song" and then she's like OMG this is my favorite band!!1! wow11!

×"hey, wildflower, I got you some atl tickets for your birthday that is coincidentally tomorrow because I know they're your favorite band. I just bought them yesterday after I played that song for you and they're in the pit. Isn't that lucky and awesome?" BOY DID YOU PAY $2000 FOR THOSE TICKETS? LIKE SHIT

×and then they get in a huge fight at the hella expensive concert and they just walk out ????

×michael and this girl will fight and break up over the last slice of pizza, but if one of them cheats they're just like "...I love you so much, so it's okay"

×I have read one (1!!) fanfic where the guy is a drug dealer and he actually goes to jail for more than like two weeks. it's one of my favorite ashton fics actually.

×kaitlin is a virgin and ashton is such a player that it's just SO hard to control himself and eventually they have sex but it's like 3 chapters from the end and then the rest of the book they are like nonstop sex maniacs even though ashton finally got a handle on his problem

×they're literally SO desperate for the love of their life at the age of 17. please kids, live a little.


okay, that's all for this chapter. literally I forget that I have this all the time and then someone will go through and vote and comment and I'll be like ohhhh shit yeah. and people always comment cliches so I steal those to inspire myself and then write my own oops.

also I put woke the fuck up by jon bellion at the top bc it's a great song and it's been stuck in my head all day. everyone should listen to it.

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