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alright here we go again

×pulling out is always an effective form of birth control, except (hey self-promo) in my ashton fic positive (pls pls check it out, it would mean the world to me)

×"i woke up and saw my walls that were covered wall-to-wall in band posters, just some of my favorites... pierce the veil, good charlotte, twenty one pilots. i take a shower and leave my hair natural and just put on some eyeliner and mascara. then i pull on my dark grey skinny jeans, a black bring me the horizon tank top, and white converse... i only wear neutral colors. i complete the look by loading on my 17 rubber band merch bracelets. then i head out the door with a sigh. another day at school is ahead."
^you know you've read this exact paragraph a thousand times before

×okay this might be a bit much but it really bothers me... in smut, the girl literally ALWAYS has an orgasm. but in reality, 15% of women have NEVER had an orgasm and only 10-30% of women have orgasm during sex. and 35-50% of women say they have orgasms infrequently. idk just a little piece of info that i betcha never learned in health class. can you tell i've been reading cosmo/buzzfeed/refinery29 snapchat stories??

×at some point during the book, kaitlin will mention her pet and for the rest of the book she never cares for it

×somehow, in non-au type fanfics, when they go to a concert michael is just like, "yeah we're gonna go backstage and hangout even though neither of us have met these people... oh well im famous and i have connections."

×plot of the fic is that calum is super depressed and the girl just said that he looks like he's lost a ton of weight but then immediately after, they have sex and she's like "I ran my hands down his toned stomach" if he's skinny and not healthy then how toned is

×wildflower and luke never seem to get along, they're seriously always (!!) fighting, it's a very unhealthy relationship, yet the fic gets popular and suddenly it's idealized by thousands of teenagers. like please yall, if it's a bad relationship get far away from it

×if the fic is about the guy having mental disorders it gets really popular, but if the girl does people just call it annoying and cliche


it has been way too long! my apologies, school and a lot of other shit has been taking a toll.

hope you enjoyed this rendition though, sorry that it kinda got a bit deep there

seriously please go check out positive! it's been doing pretty good, it was ranked for like a day lol. i updated it recently and have another chapter planned too. it was typed but wattpad decided to delete it. oh well, what can you do

until next time!

-tori. xx

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