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×misspellings and grammatical errors!!! also punctuation errors are all quite the staple in fanfiction

×you can never tell who is speaking because some people apparently never learned that in dialogue you START A NEW PARAGRAPH WHEN A NEW PERSON STARTS SPEAKING

×*lowercase intended* (catching myself on this one)

×wildflower is supposedly super shy, yet as soon as she becomes friends with calum, somehow she's okay with automatically being best friends with all of his friends

×the author will cast a character as a poc and then describe them as having blonde hair and blue eyes ¿¿??

×if kaitlin has a boyfriend at the beginning of the book she doesn't care at all when they break up, she just jumps straight into luke's arms

×also, if she cheats on him with luke he never cares because it always turns out that he was cheating on her too and she doesn't care about it either

×"his voice was a few octaves [lower/higher] than usual" do we know what an octave is? because a few octaves is a lot btw

×when wildflower's shitty boyfriend kicks her out, ashton just lets her move in even though he just met her

×in all the ones where the boy is her boss in some form... can i just say "sexual harassment"?

×this isn't really a cliche, but do you ever read a fanfic where one of the characters has the same name as someone you know and you just can't read it? like there's this really popular luke fic that was like ranked #1 for a while and i tried to read it but the main girl had the same name as my mom and i just couldn't

×kaitlin's best friend always has sex with calum at some point

×the girl can seriously be the most boring and static [no character development] character ever and yet an entire famous four person band made up of hot australian guys still manage to fall in love with her

×luke and wildflower are two broke college students and yet they leave school in the middle of the semester to go to australia for like a month and they do nothing while they're there


can i be honest and say that sometimes i read a couple chapters of shitty fanfics in order to come up with ideas for this? because i do and sometimes i feel bad

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