Confessions In Early Morning

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I felt something move in between my arms, and slip out of my grasp, but I managed to grab onto something before it left my arms . I didn't want to open my eyes, but I heard something make a loud noise, and I opened my eyes.

  "Hmmm... What's going on?"  

I look around and I see Yuri on the ground. Shirtless. I notice I'm holding his shirt in my hands.

  "Why are you shirtless?" I asked.

"Because I want to be shirtless." I hear him growl.

I look him up and down. He looks better than I thought he would shirtless.

I toss him his shirt. "You should get dressed..." 

I walked out of room, and close the door behind me. I walk to the kitchen, and pull some stuff out of the fridge. I pull a pan out, and start cooking some fried eggs. I think I was making fried eggs at least.

I suddenly hear Yuri walk out of his room, and hear him stop by the kitchen.

  "What are you making?"  he asks me.

"Something.... I don't know..."  I reply back. I'm too tired to talk right now.

But not too tired to be thinking.

I was starting to wake up, and I realized something. Yuri didn't keep his side of the deal. He didn't tell me his secret.

I place the eggs on a plate, along with some bacon I also cooked. I walked out to the couch, and see him sitting down watching television. I sit next to him. Maybe if I bribe him, he'll...

"Thanks," Yuri says reaching for the plate. I pull it out of his grasp and looks at me angrily.

"What the hell?! Just give me my damn breakfast!" he spits, reaching for the plate.

"I'll give it to you when you tell me your secret," I say coolly. Hopefully, this works. 

He sits there frozen, with his hand outstretched towards the plate. He's thinking about what happened last night. By the looks of what happened last night, he wasn't happy with my little secret. Only if I could be braver about my feelings for him.

  "Like I said last night, I don't have any secrets! Now give me the damn food!" he yelled at me. Very likely story. Why else was he crying? I know he has something. 

  "You hesitated. I know you have a secret. We made a promise, and I was hoping you wouldn't break it." I reply quickly. A smirk forms on my face. I think I'm getting closer to cracking him.

"You can barely call what happened last night a promise! I didn't have any secrets, so that's why I didn't go first!" he denies. 

I just look at him. He's really close to confessing. I lean in close, just keeping a few inches from his face. I can feel our breath mixing, and Yuri was turning almost every shade of red imaginable.

"Just tell me your secret Yuri," I say, looking into his blue-green eyes. He looks so handsome, even if he's flustered.

"I, uh. Um, ah." he starts. He keeps looking into my eyes, not breaking our eye contact. Something doesn't seem right with him. His eyes don't seem the same...

"You okay Yuri?" I ask, slightly worried.

He just keeps silent for a minute. He looks down. Is he going to cry again? He suddenly looked back at me, but he looks nervous. Like he's almost scared.

  "I don't know how to describe this feeling..." he mumbles.  

 "Feeling?" I ask, really confused. What was he feeling?

  "I just feel weird around you... Like my heart starts to beat fast, and just a simple touch of your hand makes me feel like jello..." he says, almost hiding behind his blonde bangs.

He felt that way around me? I would have never thought that, he would feel this way around me. I didn't even expect such a confession. Does this mean he likes me? He hasn't said anything about that, so I don't know what to do or say. He did say that he doesn't know how to describe the feeling.

"You really feel that way around me?" I ask him. I need to just confirm what he said. I could feel my body just fill with excitement at just the thought of his words.

He nods his head. "I'm sorry if it's a little weird."

Weird? Does he feel weird about this?

I shake my head in response. "Not at all. I find it normal."

He just stares at me, a look of relief flash in his eyes.

"Normal..." he sighs.

I feel overjoyed. He has feelings for me. My hand reaches out and cups his cheeks. He allows me to touch him, and even leans into my hand, making his cheeks push out and look chubbier. He's too cute...

I can't believe that from the first day that I knew he existed to now, I have fallen in love with him. He has been incredible since day one, and still has me on edge, wanting more from him. I wanted to know him more. About his family, his life, his home. Everything about him has me wanting more. I want to see everything, and hear everything he is willing to share with me. I just want to be closer to him.

I see his face grow questionable. What was he thinking about?

He lifts his cheek out of my hand. He looks down. What is up with him?

  "I should go practice today. Yakov wanted me to work on my jumps..." he mumbles. He looks confused, conflicted. Something wasn't right...

  "How about I tag along today...." 

"No, no. Your fine. I'd rather go alone." he says getting up. He starts to get his things together. If he needs to be alone, I'll let him. Him and his hormones will have to solve his problem.

"I'll see you when I get home..." he says, slipping his shoes on.

"Yeah, I'll see you." 

He walks out the door and closes it behind him. I keep looking at the door.

I can't believe that such a small tough kid, could act so soft. My hand closed into a fist. He has feelings for me. He feels like Jello when I touch him. I make his heart race. This was killing me.

I get up and place the food I prepared on the counter. 

"Looks like he'll have to buy a breakfast..." I sigh. "But I do need to run out and grab some groceries."

I get myself dressed and ready. I open the front door an look behind me. "I don't think I'll be too long, so I won't leave a note." 

I walk out and close the door.    


Hey Readers! Sorry for the late update! It took me awhile to write this! When it comes to confessing or talking about feelings, I want it to be genuine, not a simple 'I love you'. I also hope you don't think of Otabek for wanting to know more about Yuri, and get closer to him. That's how I've always felt about people I loved. But anywho, if you liked this chapter, follow, vote, and/or comment if you want!


My Magnificent Skater (Yuri Plisetsky x Otabek Altin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora