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It felt like it has been so long since he's gone to school. Thanks to his teammates sending him concerned messages from the night before, he found the will to get out of bed and prepare for school, especially anything that would happen of him. Maybe talking to his team won't be so bad. He's not exactly sure why he wanted to do this or what he would say if he did, but it could possibly lift a ton of weight off his shoulders.

School wasn't easy. Nobody made obvious remarks toward Hinata, but they definitely did it in silence. In the halls, people would glare at him, whisper to their friends about what they know, give him slight pushes, and softly say "fag" "gay ass" "gay boy" "homo".

Finally the school hours came to an end and practice was starting soon. He walked to the gym as slow as possible. He was considering skipping again, but Daichi would've killed him. He ended up being late but that didn't bother him, more important things were on his mind. When would the bullying stop? Who was going to help him? What could he do? What did his teammates know? Did Kageyama know?

As soon as he walked in, Suga greets him.
"Hey, Hinata, nice seeing you at practice ag-"
"Can we talk?," Hinata says dropping his bag off his shoulder and onto the floor. Tears flooding down his face. Everyone looks at them with worry and concern, but mostly shock. It's weird to see Hinata, the happiest kid in the team and possibly even in the whole school, depressed than ever. Broken. Hurt. Defeated. Daichi and Suga shared a look. Daichi looked at Asahi and the two got everyone to mind their business while Suga lead Hinata out of the gym for the both of them to talk.
"Here, sit down," Suga and Hinata sat down on the steps outside of the gym sliding doors. "Well what's up?"
"This whole week has been terrible. I don't know what to do anymore. Everything just hurts, Suga. It's not like me to just stay home and sulk every time I'm at school. I don't know how much of the situation you know about but-"
"I know. Actually we all know. The principal gave the whole school a huge lecture yesterday since you weren't at school. He said he hasn't dealt with bullying in years, especially a situation this bad. We all got in trouble. It was an ugly mess."
"Wait what.."
"Yeah he was pretty upset. It's all being taken care of. Oh, and he didn't use anybody's name so-"
"Like as if that helps, everybody knows it's me. Me, not Hinata. Me, "gay boy""
"Haha, I guess you're right. And hey, don't call yourself that."
"Apparently that's what I'm known as to the whole school."
"Excuse my language but, maybe to the jackasses at this school they'll tell you that. Not to me, not to your team, not to your friends. Hinata we care about you, all of us. Yes the people at school won't always be the nicest, so you could count on your team. We've got your back, really. Geez you had us worried. 4 days Hinata, 4 days of practice missed."
"Haha, ok I get it!... Thank you.."
"Not a problem. Continue. Don't act like that's all you had on your mind. You also want to talk about a love interest of yours, right?"
"W-what?!? N-no I didn't!... How d-did you know?... Is this why we call you team mom?..."
"What'd you say boy?"
"N-nothing!!.. But yeah, I guess you're right. Well this person I like is a boy. He makes me feel all BWAH inside. He's a 1st year, tall, black hair, and oh my gosh those blue eyes -"
"Kageyama. You're describing Kageyama. Haha, look where we're sitting. Remember when you two couldn't get along so we threw you two out of the gym. Right here, this is where you two stood and annoyed each other. And us inside the gym too, I'll admit. Ah, doesn't it bring back memories?... Talk to him."
"No, I can't. What would I say? "Hey I like you" Just like that? It's totally not that easy. How does he feel? What if he doesn't like me back?"
"You'll never know if you don't try and go at it."
Suga opened the gym doors just to find everyone there listening to the conversation. Hinata just froze in embarrassment.
"For fucks sake. Daichi, seriously?," Suga cursed.
"Sorry... But here take Kageyama," Daichi said while shoving Kageyama out the door towards Hinata. Once again, Suga made that awkward face while closing the door.
"H-hey," Kageyama started.
"Hey" Moments of silence followed after Hinata replied, until the bright orange haired boy said something again. "Haha, just standing out here with you does bring back memories of our fight - I guess you could call it - that we had in the beginning of the year. AH not that I was thinking but us but EHH no not us I mean you EGH I mean -"
"Shut up, dumbass"
"Shut up, dumbass"
"Oh.. Sorry if I was annoying you I just don't want you to think of me like that EH no wait yes I do GAH no I meant something different UGH I'm not making any se-" Hinata soon had been shut up by a kiss from Kageyama.
"I lit.. you too. me, dumbass."
Hinata tippy toed to somewhat reach Kageyama's height and gave him another peck on the lips, making Kageyama kiss him back. Longer, better. Pulling the short boy into his warm embrace.
"Let's get to practice, my dumbass!"
"BWAH let's go!!"

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