Chapter Five - Animal I Have Become

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“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”

― Philip K. Dick, VALIS

England was pissed off and worried at the same time. He was pissed off because America was missing. Again. And he was worried because he wasn't sure if he could find him, and if he did find him he was worried about the condition the idiot might be. Arizona's bark brought him back to reality. England quickly ran to the tree the Beagle was barking at. There was a folded paper stuck in between the branches. And with England's luck, it happened to be a tall tree. The Brit cursed under his breath. He looked around for something he could use, a stick, a rock, anything. The three dogs stared curiously at England as he did this. But at last, he found a rock. Hopefully it would work. England threw the rock as hard as he could at the branch. It shook a bit but the paper didn't fall. England frowned and decided to throw it again. He got the same results. "There has to be some way to get it down!" He yelled. California whined and England looked over to her. Washington and Arizona seemed to have found a way. Behind the tree there were branches, almost like steps, leading to the branches England needed to reach. England pursed his lips. "This can't be safe." But he climbed up the branches anyway. Carefully, of course.

After getting the paper and almost falling out of the tree, England set his feet on the ground and looked at the dogs. "You guys are too smart for your own good." England opened the paper and his eyes widened.

Arthur Kirkland is a deceiver

Arthur Kirkland is a deceiver

Arthur Kirkland is a deceiver

And it went on until the end of the page. England wasn't sure what to think. Is this what America really thought of him...? England shook his head. "I don't care. It doesn't matter." But he did care and it did matter. There was a part of him that truly honestly cared what America thought of him. England kneeled down and let Arizona smell the paper. Arizona barked and England stood up. "Go." Arizona took off runing with England, California, and Washington following close behind.


America had no idea where he was. He just took off running suddenly and now he was surrounded by trees. He had been walking around for what felt like hours but he had not found a way out or where he was. No one's going to be able to find you. "Shut up. You don't know that," America growled. "And I can find my own way out!" Laughter. Honey, you don't even know where you are. America stopped walking. I made sure of that. You won't find your way out and no one will find you. "England will find me." He wasn't sure why he said that, it just came out. More laughter. Oh please, like that miserable SOB has the ability to find you. America was filled with anger but he bit his lip and continued to search for a way out. Hm. Thought so.


Arizona barked. Another paper was stuck in a tree. But it was stuck in the trunk this time. England carefully pulled the paper out of the trunk and unfolded it. California and Washington growled and Arizona whined. England looked at them curiously but read what was on the paper. Four words were written boldly.


It wasn't America's writing. This was more messy and... Threatening... But at the same time it looked as if America had written it. England put the paper in the dogs' direction. This time all three of them growled. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the paper again. There was nothing but the writing. "Arizona, don't... Bite me or anything." England kneeled and cautiously held out the paper. Arizona growled but smelled the paper anyway. He barked and took off running, almost knocking England over in the process. California and Washington followed him. England quickly stood up, pocketed the paper, and ran after the dogs.

In no time Arizona was barking viciously at another tree. "Calm down, Arizona." England said, out of breath. The paper was folded and resting lazily on a branch England could easily reach. The dogs seemed to be on high alert now and that worried England greatly. He opened the paper.


As he read this he felt a chill run down his spine. He heard California bark but it wasn't next to him, it sounded distant. England turned and saw that the dogs weren't next to him anymore. "California?!" He called. There was no answer. "Washington!" Silence. "Arizona!" Not even the trees rustled. England tightened his grip on the paper. "Calm down. J-Just calm down." He tried to reassure himself. "Everything's going to be fine."

England started to slowly walk forward. Maybe the dogs caught America's scent. That was reasonable, right? England took in a deep breath. "California!" He called again. He was really starting to freak out. "Arizona! Washington!" There still wasn't an answer. "Where did you guys go...?"

"Are you going to try and look for them, too?"

England jumped and spun around to face the voice. "A-America?"

America grinned. "Sure."

Even if it looked like him, it wasn't America. It may have sounded like him, but it wasn't America. It just wasn't. There was something wrong. "You're not America." England said flatly.

'America' frowned. "What're you talking about, England? It's me!"

"You look like him but you're not him."

"What? C'mon, England!"

"What are you?"

"You're crazy, dude." 'America' gave a little smile.

"What are you?" England repeated with force.

'America' frowned and sighed deeply. "I forgot that you could 'see' things. I honestly thought I could fool an idiot like you."

England scowled at him.

"Aw, I made you mad. Adorable!"

"What the hell are you?!"

"Fine. You wanna skip all the fun, fine with me. I go by many names. But I was known to a certain boy, who refused to show his face might I add, as 'Mad'. I was known to a lot of people under that name, actually. Not as much as 'Insanity'. Oh, but this boy was fun. He had daddy issues, the source of most of the fun. Many people trusted him, and I mean many people, and it was fun to mess with those people while I controlled him! Well, when I could control him. He was strong. But all fun comes to an end soon, I suppose. He was strong enough to kick me out. I'm not sure how... With the help of his... friends... I guess." Mad shrugged.

England frowned.

"Oh, right, your friend. He's not as much fun. Too easy, too weak. He already had low self esteem to begin with, so all it took was a little push... And he was over the edge. It was hilarious, actually."

"I'm going to kill you." England growled.

Mad grinned wickedly, something that wasn't natural on America's face. "Honey, you can't kill an idea."

That was the last thing England heard.


A/N: *insert Cry's evil laugh* cliffhanger :3 This would've been up sooner but I was watching Doctor Who with my mum I mean mom. Now I'm going to watch an episode of Supernatural because it's almost ten o'clock and that's all I'm going to be able to watch. That reminds me, I still have to watch season 3 of Sherlock... Damn... Oh, also, it's my day of birth (1/29) Well ok I luv u buh-bye!


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