Outside looking in

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It was beautiful, sure it was mostly concrete, but to Cheshire it was paradise. She immediately ran over to the corner that had grass and blue flowers growing in it, the grounds keeper must have forgot to trim it. Ryan and Hale were grinning ear to ear at the childish excitement she was showing and followed. It was a ten foot by ten foot area filled with grass and flowers, and moss and small vines grew halfway up the walls as well. She rolled around in the grass and inhaled its scent. She picked two on the blue flowers tucking them behind her ear for later.

Cheshire was batting a small dangling vine when Ryan spoke up, "Us and the guards that worked around your cell convinced the workers to leave a little patch of grass and plants for you." She literally grinned ear to ear at the statement and gave them both a hug. When she was done hugging them she kneeled back on the ground and laid on her back. Staring at the sky and looking at the clouds, she tried to put shapes to them. Occasionally calling out a cloud that looked extremely close to something and laughing at something Ryan or Hale said in response, it was the best day of her life.

It was a couple hours before dusk when she had to go in for dinner. Even though it was a prison it was the best thing that happened to her, she was malnourished was she came in but was now up to a healthy weight. The joyful light in her eyes never left when she went back inside. Taking one of the two flowers she had behind she headed for Floyd's cell, aka Deadshot. When she got their she saw that they were about to slide his dinner through a metal flap at the bottom. Quickly she placed the blue flower on the tray before it was sent through, and left to go back to her own cell. When she got their Ryan and Hale opened, closed, and locked the door when she got inside her cell.

A few minutes later a tray with a lump of refried beans, a few pieces of lettuce, and hamburger patty came through a small opening at the bottom of the bars. Cheshire took the tray and curled up in the back corner of her cell. She ate slowly but finished it all with a content look on her face, sure it wasn't the best meal to some but to her these meals in prison were the best meals of her life. As she ate she heard the guards rotate positions and two different guards took Ryan and Hale's place.

When she finished her food she grabbed onto the high ledge that was the barred window and hoisted herself up. Even through the window was small three feet long, two feet tall, and one foot deep she curled herself into a small ball to fit on the ledge. Her head was turned to the side and resting on her knees, her arms wrapped around her knees, and her back pressed against the left wall of the ledge. She smiled softly as the colors of the sky turned to orange, yellow, and pink from the sunset. Once the sun had fully set she climbed down and stretched out her back, from being in such a small space it was tight. Cheshire grabbed the thin blanket that was on the metal bed and curled up in the corner, there were to many bad memories of metal tables and beds to sleep on one, and fell into the clutches of sleep.

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