When your World burns

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"Stupid alarm.", he groaned as soon as he had been robbed of his well deserved sleep by the ringing of a phone somewhere in the tent. But his thoughts were soon interrupted by something moving right next to him that in the process tickled his nose. Shaking his head, moving it back a little to escape, he opened his eyes. Looking down a little, pale blue eyes meet with warm brown ones. That was the moment Noct realized that his arm was draped over her middle, holding her close to him.

He let go immediately and sat up, turning his head towards the entrance of the tent. Shaking his head as he felt his cheeks burning, he finally noticed that the others where missing. Running his hand through his hair, Noctis sighed heavily. Great, teasing from Prompto and Gladio was guaranteed.

Ai sat up slowly, her cheeks red and fully awake now. She knew it, she knew that she would do something stupid like this. She should have said no the night before, she knew about her weird sleeping habits. Aidin turned around, trying to distract herself as she searched for her hairbrush.

With no luck, as she remembered how warm his body felt against her own. And his smell, she shivered. She didn't catch too much of it before he had moved, but she was sure to have caught a hint of lemons. If she had to describe it, she would say it was refreshing.

The Prince on the other hand had gotten most of his composure back. With a little cough he whispered, "Good morning.". Ok maybe not as much as he had thought. He started to arrange his disheveled clothes, before finally getting up. "I'll, uhm, go see what the others are up to.", he said awkwardly as he left the tent. Very smooth Noct, he thought sarcastically.

Out of the tent he looked around. Ignis was preparing breakfast and of course coffee. Noctis grimaced, he would have to pretend again. Coffee was something he just couldn't get used to, too bitter. Thankfully Gladio was nowhere to be seen, probably having a little morning workout somewhere a little further from the camp.

Then he saw Prom and his heart sank. The blonde had seen him come out the tent and was grinning from ear to ear. "Morning buddy, sleep well?", he asked as Noct walked over to him. "Till that alarm went off, yea.", the ravenette grumbled as he sat down in a chair. "I'm so sorry your little cuddle session got interrupted by that, your Highness.", there it was, he had known it was going to happen.

"No idea what you're talkin' bout.", Noctis grumbled at him. Oh he was so bad at lying, it was almost painful. "Oh you don't? Here let me show you.", Prom said, getting his camera and switching through pictures. The Prince eyes grew wide when he saw the picture. Ai's head resting against his chest, his arm were he had found it earlier around her waist.

Grabbing for the camera, Noct hissed at the blonde, "Are you crazy? Delete that.". Prom was fast though. Jumping up, camera in hand, he grinned at his best friend, "No chance buddy, I think your bride to be would like to see that.". "You can't be serious.", the ravenette said as he got up and started chasing him around the campsite.

That was the first thing Ai saw as she left the tent, her hair now back in order. Shaking her head while smiling, she went over to Ignis. "Good morning Specs.", she smiled at him, which was returned. "Good morning Aidin. Coffee?", Iggy said, surprising her again by using her first name.

"No thank you. I'm not exactly a coffee person. Too bitter.", she grimaced, making the light brunette laugh, "Much like his Highness I see. Then tea perhaps?". Aidin nodded, smiling again. "That sounds lovely.", she said imitating his way of speaking, earning herself a chuckle from him.

After Noct and Prom had finally settled down, with the blonde grinning as he had successfully protected his camera, and Gladio getting back from his workout, they enjoyed a simple breakfast. Planning their next moves once they had found Dave and the Regalia was repaired.

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