Some things are hard to say

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The rest of the drive didn't take long. As the sun was slowly growing brighter and the air was getting hotter, they reached the Outpost. Ignis pulled over to the side of the dirt road that had lead them here. One by one they slowly got out of the car, looking around. There were a bunch of people here, some sitting by a makeshift cooking station inside what looked like ruins of a former stone shed, others working to fix things here and there.

As they walked up to the mostly intact wooden shed, they caught the first glimpses of what looked like weathered electronics lining the insides of it. "This must be the outpost Cid mentioned.", at Ignis words, Ai had to bite back another captain obvious comment. "It looks like a hub for hunters.", even Gladio sounded surprised saying it. "Only you would know things like that...", Aidin said quietly before she got interrupted by Prompto,"Maybe they know something.".

Upon walking inside, Ai grimaced. If this was what people had to work with outside of the Crown City, she was surprised that anyone choose to stay out here. To say the equipment was weathered would be nice. It was simply old and long outdated, no wonder they had such problems with their phones the first few days. Looking around a little more all of it seemed to be powered by portable generators. She sighed, so this was life now.

Following the guys, they approached a woman and Aidin was sure she'd seen her somewhere before. Once the woman saw Noctis, she knelt before him, "Your Highness, I'm glad you're safe.", and Ai noticed, she certainly looked relieved. Before she could even get back up the big guy interrupted her, "Monica! Where're all theothers?". That's when it dawned on Aidin, this was Monica Elshett! Member of the Crownsguard, under direct orders of the late Kings shield, Clarus Amicitia.

"Most of the Crownsguard didn't make it.", her expression turned sad as she said that and they all knew what that meant, "It was all we could do to escort Lady Iris out of the city.". "Dustin is with her as we speak, seeing her the rest of the way to Lestallum.", she continued, looking at the floor in front of her. So when Clarus had a feeling things wouldn't end well he had ordered them to take care of Iris and get her out of the city, staying behind to protect his King. Ai smiled sadly, these stubborn old men.

Gladio couldn't look at her, but nodded, "I owe you guys big time.", and with that he walked out the back of the shed. Aidin looked after him, maybe they should give him a moment. Her and Noct had been grieving their fathers, but the big guy? Him and Ignis had tried to keep them on track, to not lose focus after they had heard the news. But she doubted that it didn't affect him at all, even if he didn't show it. And on top of that, he was from one day to the other faced with a lot more responsibility. The new shield of the new King.

After a while Monica spoke up again, "You should head to the royal tomb. The Marshal awaits.". Noct gave her a nod and walked past her, following Gladio. Ai thanked her and went to pick up Prom and Specs who had waited outside. When they were all gathered, the march began, with the brunette explaining to the other two where they were going. Looking around as they walked along the dirt road, Ai smiled sadly. In any other situation she would have enjoyed this, probably joked around with her friends only to get scolded by Ignis. But right now she was nervous.

Why did he want to meet them at a royal tomb? What would Cor tell them? Would he even tell them anything? She sighed, no matter what, they had to ask him. It was only fair they knew what happened, right? Gladio mumbling something behind them brought her back out of her thoughts, "Can't keep up with this guy.". It seemed the guys were tired of the silence, since Prompto continued,"First the Crown City, then Hammerhead, then the royal tomb?", he asked confused. "His nickname should have been 'Cor the Restless'.", Specs joked, almost making her laugh, "Somehow not as catchy as'Cor the Immortal'.", Gladio added. It made her smile. They tried to lighten the mood.

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