The modern day palace and meeting Kyle

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Uuggghhh why do airports have to be so f*cking annoying!?!?

I mean seriously, every where you look something stupid is going on! I mean there's the annoying happy couples who are 'in love', there's the crying kids, the old fighting couples, the business people talking on their phones nonstop, and the list goes on.

My uncle and aunt were waiting for me by the baggage pickup. This airport was huge so if they weren't holding up a sign I would have for sure gotten lost. But everything in New York is big now isn't it?

"Hey their Melina!", my what I'm assuming is my aunt said. Tone it down lady your happiness is annoying me.

"Um hi....", was all I could mumble.

"I'm Aunt Carol, and this here is Uncle Jim.", she motioned to the man who is probably in his late forties who had black hair slightly tinted in grey.

"Hello", he said softly.I just waved awkwardly and smiled.

New York is HUGE, like you don't know what I'm talking about until you see it. With the lights and signs that look like they're touching the mid afternoon sky. It beautiful to say the least.

Uncle Jim parked right in front of the most luxurious build I have ever seen. My jaw literally dropped to the ground. Holy shit! I mean I knew my parents were rich but since I'm only 16 I didn't know we were this wealthy. When I lived with Grams she lived like a mid class person because she didn't want 'the money to go to our head' or something like that.

But wow! This was something else. A mid aged guy who I assume is the door man came to get my bags and opened the door for us in the process.

"Right this way miss.", the man said politely. I didn't even feel like being rude or nice so I just nodded.

He showed us to a elevator as we passed the lobby. And the lobby was beautiful,with gold and white ascents. He clicked number 10 or the highest button. So they live don't the loft,sweet.

The interior of the floor was just as breathtaking or more. They lived on a whole floor. A whole frikin' floor! The elevator literally opened up into the loft. It all looked like something you would find in a 'better homes' magazine.

"OMG hey you must be Melina! I can't believe your living here cous! God your so pretty, like how is it even possible? Can I call you Mel?",some pretty blonde girl said. She looked like the cliché popular girl.

"Hey,and sure you can all Mel. Your house is so cool!"I decided to be nice because I mean we would be living with each other for god only knows how long.

"Thanks you'll get used to it after a while.", the blonde girl said.

" Yeah especially in New York, perspective is key. I mean there's over 400 billion stars in are universe,how many people are there? Only 8.5 billion, only a small fraction. We act like the world revolves around us but it doesn't. We're only a small part of the way things work,and we don't even realize it." After I said that she just stared at me with wide eyes.

"Crap! I'm not suppose to act smart! If anyone asks I didn't say that.",was all I could say.

"Why do you not want people thinking your smart it's a good thing? Oh never mind. Anyways the names Isabelle but you can call me Belle or Bells or really whatever, as long as it's not something like b*tch."

"I'll call you Izzy, and I think you and me could be good friends. So when does the private school filled with stuck up assholes start?"

"Well since thanksgiving was two days ago it starts again Monday." It was Saturday afternoon so I only had one whole day until I have to go back to school. All I did to reply was groan loudly. Izzy hook her arm through my and lead me to what I'm guessing would be my room. She showed me through the living room, kitchen, and dinning room which were all gorgeous not to my surprise, into a hallway.

" This is my room." She pointed to the first door to the right.

"This right here is the media room." She pointed to the room right across the hallway.

"Yours is four down on left. I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of decorating it myself with of course the half of mom and a personal designer so hope you like it. Later after you unpack I'll take you on a tour of our crib."

"K thanks. Adios beotch."

"Peace! TTYL girlie. I'll be in my room when your done.", Izzy replied.

When I got to my door and turned the knob my jaw dropped once again. I really need to stop that.

My new room was almost as big as my grandmas condo. There's a king bed with cream lace and ruffles on it, a fuzzy floral light blue and green throw blanket, floral and polkadot pillows and that was just the start. A white vanity with all the high end makeup you could dream of was in the corner. A full sized mirror was by the closet. And speaking of the closet, it a huge walk-in the size of my old bed room, all the shelves are full of new clothes, shoes, and accessories. The furniture was all white and the walls where a pastel blue. Covering the walls are pastel flower accents. There was even a balcony overlooking time square. Not to mention a connecting bath room that was painted cream and was covered in colors like sea foam green and sky blue.

Once I finished unpacking, (which sucked because I mean who likes unpacking?) I went to find Izzy. I knocked on her door and was standing in the hallway for about two minutes and was about to turn around when " Come in."was said in Izzy's voice. I opened the door and looked into her room. And my eyes widened when I saw what was there. Her room was dark pinks and purples with grey accents and let me just tell you it was beautiful. But that defiantly was not the thing that got my attention.

It was a guy who was around my age sitting on Isabelle's bed. He had blonde hair and looked sweet but not my type. Hell no ones my type because I don't have a type because I don't date. At all. Last time I tried that....well trust me it didn't go so good so to say.

"Umm hey. I just finished unpacking so I thought I would come and get you but I can come back later. Seeing as I'm disrupting something. Oh and by the way blonde, I'm Melina."

I turned to Izzy and realized her hair was a mess and one of her bra straps fell. Also her lips were swollen.

"Hi, I'm Kyle. This beautiful gals boyfriend. Your new I town right?", I nodded.

"Well if you need anything or need help getting around town I'm your guy. A friend or Bells is a friend of mine.", Kyle said. I could see that he genuinely meant what he just said and really loves Izzy's or Bells as he calls her.

"Thanks. I should get going and finish getting settled in. Well have fun you two, and be safe", after I winked at Izzy and she intently blushed, so I just laughed and left.

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