Time changes everything

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First off I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm starting a new story called, "The summer of new beginnings", and it would mean a lot if you checked it out. I still don't know if I'm going to continue it so that's why I'm asking, so make sure to tell me what you think! :) 

 The final days of winter break went by uneventfully and before I knew it we were all back to the dreadful place some like to call school.

At least it was finally time for my favorite part of the school day, lunch. The block almost making all the other classes worth it, but only almost.

 I sit down between Zoey and Izzy and start eating my fried while looking at the two girls. 

They glace at each other for a moment before erupting into a fit of giggles. 

"What are you guys not telling me?", I ask because neither of them showed any sign of sharing what they were laughing at before with me.

"Sorry, we can't tell", Zoey says with a smile.

"Now you have to tell me.", I say which is true. I mean who says I can't tell you and then actually doesn't say anything? Nobody, being my point exactly.

"No can do.", Izzy replies with another smile and round of giggles. 

Rolling my eyes I just glare at them both, there's no point in keeping a secret from this gal cause always end up finding it out in the long run.

"Fine I guess I'll just have to get it out of you the hard way them....", both their faces change from laughter to fear and in that moment I attack.

"Stop, stop please.", Izzy gets out between fits of laughing. Tickling somebody is always the best weapon. It's pain that doesn't really hurt, but it still demands to be felt.

After another minute or so of torcher filled with more laughs and even a few snorts, Zoey and Izzy finally surrender.

Just as they are about to talk I can feel someones presence behind me. Turning around I see beautiful blue eyes that I would recognize anywhere.

"Hey ladies, what are you guys laughing at?", Carson says grabbing a chair from a table close by and pulling it across from us. 

"Uhhhh nothing?", Izzy says in almost a question.

"These annoying butt faces won't even tell me so good luck getting it out of them.", I say pointing to the two of them.

"Oh I see then", He says with a smile.

"Hey sorry to just get up run like this, but we have to go to the library. Zoeys gonna help me some math problems I don't quite get so we have to run", Izzy says giving Carson a wink.

What the hell are those wack jobs up to now?

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