Chapter 20

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I notice a few of the Landor seniors giving me a contemptuous looks in the corridors, but up until lunch time nobody says anything to me about Toby. The video has gained hundreds of views since this morning.

At lunch, Ainsley and I take a seat at our usual table, where she starts complaining about something. I'm only half listening because I'm watching a group of Landor year eleven boys snickering and pointing at me as discreetly as they can.

'She wants me to come grocery shopping with her because she's annoyed I barely eat any of the things she buys, but I can't go grocery shopping with her. It just freaks me out, I don't know why. That's so stupid, isn't it? I'm afraid of the supermarket. How insane am I? And look, you're not even listening, so now I'm afraid of supermarkets and I'm talking to myself. What a great friend you are, Em.'

'I am listening,' I insist, glancing back at her, before looking back towards the Landor boys. One of them catches my eye and quickly turns around, evidently embarrassed I caught him laughing at me, but the rest of them have no shame.

Harrison and Julian walk past the Landor table on their way towards us. Harrison says something as he passes them and the Landor boys go red faced. Julian laughs and they keep walking.

I notice Ainsley has no lunch. She's chewing gum.

Julian and Harrison swing into their seats, relaxed, and Harrison starts telling a story about something funny that happened during last period, but I zone out because I notice a few Landor senior girls gathered in the middle of a walkway. They're discussing something intently, and then a few of them turn around and start walking over towards our table. Scarlet is amongst them.

'Scarlet is coming,' Ainsley says, tapping me on the forearm, but I'm already watching her approach. She has bright red eyes that match her bright red hair, and she actually looks somewhat ridiculous with her dishevelled uniform and friends acting as bodyguards. I feel a bit sorry for her. It's a tough way to find out your boyfriend was cheating on you.

'Hi,' Scarlet says.

Harrison, Julian and Ainsley look between Scarlet and me, waiting for me to respond.

'Hi,' I say.

Two of her friends are flanking her. One of them, Fate, actually has her hand on her hip. I don't know whether to run away or laugh.

'Can I talk to you for a second?' she asks, staring at me and ignoring the rest of the group.

I guess this is inevitable, but I have no idea what to tell Scarlet. What could I say? Yes, I slept with your boyfriend. That's it.

I stand up, casting a quick terrified glance back at my friends. Ainsley looks worried. Harrison looks like he's trying to contain his laughter. Julian gives me a reassuring nod.

I stand up, leaving my books and half-eaten lunch on the table and follow Scarlet and her friends to an empty classroom. I'm petrified.

'So is all this true?' Scarlet asks me. One of her friends closes the door to the classroom. I feel like I'm being interrogated by police. I wonder what my dad did in this situation.

Her two friends sit down against desks. I sit down on a desk too, but Scarlet is still standing up, and when I sit down she stands above me. I stand up again quickly and cross my arms over my chest.

'Uh, yeah. Sorry,' I say lamely.

'Sorry,' one of her friends mocks.

'Shut up,' Scarlet snaps at her friend, then turns back to me. 'Tell me. I want details.'

'Well, you don't.'

She stares at me. 'Excuse me?'

'Listen, you're upset. Just know it ended ages ago,' I say.

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