The Night

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Hellbent is staying the night. We really don't have anything to talk about, because we talked before he left for the party (we also talk pretty often) and he doesn't have any memory of the party, so there isn't anything new to talk about. We're about to watch a movie now. Hellbent insisted on us watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre; which I only have because my bro dared me to watch on Halloween night 2 years ago. Though we both fell asleep before that. Then we hear a ding from upstairs. His clothes are dry. He goes upstairs to get dressed and is back down stairs really quick. We put the movie in a started to watch.


I lean back on the couch with my arms stretched out on the back of it. Dolan's sitting next to me with legs pulled onto the couch. Why does he even have this movie? Dolan doesn't seem like the kinda guy who would watch this. Commercials start rolling before the movie. So, I guess I could ask him about it.

"I thought you're not really into horror movies."

"My bro dared me to watch it on Halloween night 2 years ago. We both fell asleep before I could; this is my first time watching it."

"Oh, It's my fourth time watching this. It's one of my favorites."

"Ok..." He looked a little worried, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I grabbed the remote after the commercials and pressed play. We sit in silence for the beginning of the movie. Then it started getting creepy. He nudged over closer to me; trying not to seem scared. Though he kept nudging closer until he was right next to me. Now one of the characters was about to get murdered. Dolan whimpers and puts his hand over his face. After a minute or two he started to peek out. Then there was a jump scare and he screams, then hides his face in his hands again. He whimpers a few more times throughout the movie and then starts to shake a little. I put one of my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

"Come on, don't be scared. You dork." I tell him. He doesn't protest to me calling him dork one bit. He clutches to me and buries his face in my shirt. I start to hug him with the one arm. He's the most adorable and the sweetest guy I've ever met. I'd date him, but I doubt he's into guys. Then again, I've never told anyone I'm into guys; yet I am. So maybe I could get with him. It's been a while and he's not really calming down, so I switched off the T.V. After a minute of silence, he realized that the movie had stopped. Slowly, Dolan sat straight up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Did you just turn off the T.V.?"


"Why? I thought Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of your favorites."

"But it was scaring you."

"I wasn't scared!"

"Oh really?"


"Are you sure you're not scared?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Ok then. Well, I have my clothes back. So, I'll walk home now and leave you alone." I got up and walked to the door. Though right when I was about to leave, Dolan spoke up.

"Wait!" I turned around. He continued talking.

"Could you...maybe...stay with me...for the night...with the lights on?"

"Yeah. I don't mind."

"...Thanks..." I join him on the couch again. He sat really close and leaned up against me; I felt him holding my hand lightly. He is definitely still freaked out. After a few minutes of us talking I decided to put in a different movie. I popped in a random movie from the stack; I think it's a comedy. Now this seems more like a movie Dolan would watch. It seemed to make him feel better. The movie's a little dirty; low and behold, my mind's in the gutter. But it's not like that's new. There was a scene in the movie with a guy lying naked on bed in a typical feminine pose (with his package carefully covered).That's when I had a thought. Dolan naked in bed with the "fuck-me" look on his face. I can feel myself blushing. There is no denying that Dolan is the epitome of cute and I mean in fuckable way as much as the "puppy-dog" way. There is also no denying that I'd fuck him. I can't get the image out of my head; which just made me blush even more. Then Dolan got up.

"*yawn* Hey, I'm gonna go get some water. You want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good." He got up and I fucking look at his ass. Oh God, why did I do that? Oh yeah, it's because I'm mildly (ok really) obsessed with sex. He came back in the room and sat back down. This time I put my arm around him; pulling him closer to me. About twenty minutes later, he's dead asleep on me. He moves around a bit, until he's curled up on my lap. He has the most peaceful and cute sleeping position and face. Suddenly, he let out this little moan. I wonder what's going on in that head of his. I kinda wanna get up, but I don't wanna move him. So I just stay there and eventually fall asleep.

The Party Never Ends (Danger Dolan x Hellbent)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt