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~~2 days~~

I was getting ready to walk out to door to go to Kevin's house when my phone started ringing. I was hoping it wasn't Kevin because if he was calling me then he was cancelling again.

I grabbed my phone and noticed that I had 3 missed calls and multiple messages.

It's always the same people.

Lisa and Sadie asking me if I want to hang out and I never do.

Jesus fuck Lisa said she's coming over with Sadie. I hate when they just show up without asking me. They just tell me they're coming.. like we're not that close so stop.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door and they stood there looking angry

"What" I said

"Okay we say this because we're your friends but ever since you met Kevin you've been really distant and you barely talk to us anymore. It's like we don't even exist to you anymore. We thought we were friends" Sadie rambled

"Sadie. Kevin and I are in a committed relationship. All of the free time I have, I want to spend with him." I sternly said

"Emma you're a senior in high school. You don't need to be that serious about a guy what you need to be doing is having fun with your friends" Lisa said

"And who are you to be telling me what I need to do?" I asked

"Your friend" She said, "Or so I thought"

"Well Kevin is my boyfriend and I'm not just gonna stop treating him like my boyfriend because you guys are butt hurt that I don't spend all of my time with you" I said

"No you spend none of your time with us. Just because he is your boyfriend doesn't mean that you have to be with him every second of every day. You are allowed to spend time with us too you know he doesn't control you" Sadie said

"Oh I know I don't have to spend every second with him. I just want to because I love being with him and he loves being with me. We love being with each other and I also know that he doesn't control me. I control me and what I want to do is spend all of my time with my boyfriend for as long as I live. " I lectured

"Oh please, you won't even be together that long. I give you about one more month until you guys are over and you come crawling back to us for help but guess what? When you do that. We won't be here to give you a shoulder to cry on. We'll be busy living our lives to the fullest before we decide to settle down at all let alone with a fucking freak like Kevin." Sadie sassed

"My boyfriend is not a freak. You're the fucking freak for coming here and expecting me to care about you, I never cared about you. You were just the only person who didn't get on my nerves all of the time and now you're starting to get on my nerves especially by coming into my house and disrespecting me by talking shit about my boyfriend now before I decide I want to rip out your fucking hair I suggest you get the fuck out of my house now." I said through gritted teeth.

"Who are you?" Lisa squinted her eyes and shook her head as she walked out with Sadie.

I groaned and slammed the door behind them.

My mom walked out of her room in her robe and looked at me

"What's wrong honey, is it Kevin?" She asked

"No. Sadie and Lisa stopped by to tell me that my relationship is a lie" I fake smiled

"Oh honey I'm sorry. Why would they say that?" She asked

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