Done With This

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I was waiting outside for Kevin to pick me up for school in the morning.

It was 7:23 meaning he was late.

I spent Sunday with my family. I really just needed to be with them without Kevin in the short time we have left until we leave.

I tucked my hair behind my ear looked for his car. 

I was nervous to see him since I hadn't seen him since Saturday. I had seen a new side of him. It was the most sexually attracted I've ever been to anyone in my entire existence. 

Just the thought of that night sent shivers all throughout my spine.

I don't think I'll ever really completely stop being nervous around him. 

His car finally pulled up to the front of my house. I lifted myself off of the ground and walked over to the car, opening the passenger door and climbing inside.

"Hey babe" He said, leaning over to kiss me.

"Hey" I muttered

"So I was thinking.. Prom is in a couple of weeks and I think we should go." He said

I turned to him and furrowed my eyebrows, "Are you serious?" 

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked

"I never pegged you for the 'prom guy' " I said

"Well I'm not really but I listen to you and I know you've always wanted to go."  He glanced at me

"Can we still even buy tickets? Or even get outfits?" I asked

He pulled two tickets from his bag and waved them in my face.

"And the clothes?" I questioned

"My mom offered to pay for your dress and my tux" He said

"No I can't let her" I shook my head

"You always say that" He chuckled

"That's so nice of her" I smiled

"Well" He said

"I'll be sure to thank her when I come over" I smiled at him

"So we'll go to the garment district after school today and look" He stated

"Sounds good" I grinned

We pulled up to the school and he parked in the student parking lot. 

I quickly got out of the car with my bag and kissed him before parting to go to my first period. I was already late but I was hoping Mr. Finn would let me off the hook.

As I scrambled to get my book out of my locker, it closed right as I took it out.

I looked up to see who had closed it and it was fucking Michael.

My eyes got wide and I looked around to make sure Kevin wasn't around.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"My girlfriend goes here." He said with this sly smirk on his face that made me want to punch him.

"Please tell me you're talking about Sadie." I said

He just smirked

"Michael I thought we were done with this" I placed my hand on my head and rubbed my temples.

"Done with what? I just wanted to enroll in the school that my girlfriend goes to." He smirked

"I have a boyfriend now Michael. I love him. Just do us all a favor and leave." I said as I turned around and walked away.

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