50 random facts about Oryeow

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50 SUPER RANDOM Facts About the King of Oreos

(dedicated to those stalkers out there)

Before I start facting myself (get it?) I nominate these people to do the same:


You don't really have to do this guys, but if you want to then go fact yourselves and nominate your friends to fact themselves, too.


Now, let's get down to business...

[PS: Expect a lot of errors! Can't find the right time to edit cause I'm lazy 😂]

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1. I love Oreos.
- duh

2. 99% Filipino 1% Oreo Cookie.
- and proud.

3. Proud to represent the bisexual community!
- Yes, I'm bisexual and proud.

4. I read.
- yeah (lol, that feeling when you're running out of things to say HAHAHA)

5. I'm forever 16.
- jk, but yeah I'm currently 16 as of Dec 28, 2016 (the day I'm writing this)

6. I take in and/or give out money in a small coffee shop for a living.
- for short, I'm a cashier. (Yeah a small and boring job but they pay well so bleh :P)
- but most of the time, I just read there. DON'T TELL MY BOSS!

7. My real name starts with J.

8. I sing (in the shower), dance, paint, and write for fun.
- no comment... (tbh, I just don't know what to say HAHAHAHAHA)

9. Huge fan of DC/Marvel Comics/Movies.
- but yeah, DC IS STILL THE BEST!!!

10. I play video games.
- too many to type lol HAHAHAHAH but it's been a while since the last time I played video games huhuhu me sad, me cry T^T (< hardcore otaku fans be like)

11. I wanna be a hollywood actor.
- but there's no way hollywood would cast someone like me... *cough* *cough* racists *cough* *cough* (peace ✌)

12. I watch cartoons... a lot.
- Like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, The Amazing World of Gumball, Regular Show, Teen Titans/Go!, Totally Spies!, Kim Possible, The Backyardigans, and the list goes on and on and on.

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