Chapter 3: Let the Performace Begin!

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Author Note: Thanks for the votes. Hope you guys like it.

Sting and Rogue stretching their arms up high. "Thank goodness we landed. " Sting said cheerfully.

Rogue nodded in agreement. Rufus smirk at Sting and Rogue, glad that they are both back to their original self. "I'm glad you both are feeling better now. Now we can focus on the mission at hand. "

Before they can say anything there was a knock on the door. Dobengal got up to open the door. There stood Lucy Heartfilia with a notebook in her hand, with a smile on her face. "Am I late? " Lucy ask. Dobengal shake his head. He step back, letting Lucy to come in while she hand him the notebook, who accepted it gracefully. "These are the reports that Mirajane had made. It should tell you which knight are going be here tonight. "

Sting hug Lucy happily for helping them out. "Thanks Lucy, your the best! "

Lucy push Sting off her. "Are you sure your not related to Natsu? " Lucy question with a tired tone in her voice.

"I wonder the something. " Rogue wonder as well.

Sting glare at them both. "Very funny. I'm positive that Natsu and I are not related because that'll make Zeref my older brother then. "

Orga pat Sting on the back, making Sting to jump a little. "Yeah your right, Zeref doesn't need to deal with another pain in a ass. One is already enough for him. "

Dobengal scan through the notes. "This doesn't make sense at all. " Everyone look at Dobengal and gather up around him, curious what does it said in the notebook. "Commander Mikazuchi and the Mermaid Heel squad won't be here tonight ceremony for Alexandria Princess, Yukino Agria sweet sixteen birthday because they supposedly have a day off today! " Dobengal read it out loud.

"So the rumors are true. "

Everyone whirl around and see Baku who just enter the meeting room. "Boss! " They greeted him.

Rogue glance down at the wooden floor, thinking. "Is that even a good thing? " Rogue question.

Lucy smirk at them for not realizing the good news. "It is actually. All you have to do is worry about two Commanders along with their knights, no longer three for now. I heard Commander Vastia is too confident and lose his cool easily. Commander Scarlet can be distracted easily by seeing... " Lucy pause when she begin to giggle, making the guys curious.

"I'm curious what makes Commander Scarlet distracted. " Sting said with a big smirk on his face.

Once Lucy stop giggling, she decided to tell them. "Strawberry cake. " She inform them. "It should be a lot easier to enter the kingdom, especially when both Commanders are guarding the Queen and the Princess. "

Everyone frown except Baku, not believing Lucy at all. "You got to be kidding me?! " They all shouted in unison.

"It's true! " Lucy argued.

Baku cross his arms against his chest. "We should thank the lords that Commander Mikazuchi isn't going be here. Rufus." Rufus look at Baku, waiting for him to give the order. "Hand them their scripts for who they are performing as for tonight's performance. " He order Rufus. Rufus did what he was told, handing everyone their scrips. "Sting as Zidane and Rogue as Blank. The two characters you are performing won't be in the play that much, so that'll give you two some time to retrieve the Princess. Though beware you won't have all day, so you better not mess around in the castle. Your part in the play comes in the ending not just the beginning. Don't you dare forget that."

Sting smirk with confidence. "You got it, Boss! We won't fail you."

Rogue nodded in a agreement, he cross his arms against his chest. "We'll make sure to retrieve the Princess safe without no harm to her."

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