Song: Zombie by The Pretty Reckless
All credit for the songs used by Romance Is Dead goes to The Pretty Reckless
Turning the silver knob, I swung the red door open. Maybe I swung it a bit too bard because it slammed directly into the wall. It's happened before, though. I once accidentally put a whole into the wall because I pushed the door open too hard. Dad still hasn't fixed it, so when people walk in, there's a huge hole at the entrance.
"Dad, I'm home! Riot's with me!" I shouted, kicking off my red vans at the entrance. Riot mimicked my movement, but instead, tucked her black converse out of the entrance way. We walked down the hallway and entered the kitchen area. I opened the fridge door, my eyes scanning the items until I finally found what I was looking for: a can of Mountain Dew Soda. Dad absolutely hates this brand of soda, but it's been my favorite beverage -besides scotch- since I was fourteen.
I turned to face Riot who was now sitting on the kitchen counter. "Want anything?" I asked. Riot simply shrugged in response. I nodded my head before I turned back around and began looking through the food we had in the fridge. I love to eat. There's no doubt about that, but since I eat every fucking hour, there's really never anything appealing left in the fridge. But I know someone's fridge who always has delicious fucking food: Jannah.
"Change of plans." I slammed the fridge door shut. "We're going to Jannah's house for practice." I announced, smirking slightly. Riot probably knows that the real reason why I want to go to Jannah's house is because of the food. It's the truth, but that certainly doesn't mean that I don't want to practice.
During Sophomore year, Riot and I formed a band together- Romance Is Dead. Riot came up with the name for the band while I searched for members. It didn't take long before the band came together. Jannah is our bass player, Riot is the drummer, our other friend, Jayden, is the guitarist and I'm the singer. I also play the guitar, but only three people have seen me play the guitar. My father is one of those three while the other two... Well, I'd rather not think about the other two.
Riot nodded. "Alright. I'll send Jayden a message and tell him to meet us at Jannah's house in fifteen minutes." Riot jumped off the kitchen counter and began walking towards the entrance, I following closely behind her. Riot was on her phone the entire time while walking and truthfully, I wanted to see her trip so I could have a laugh. Great friend, aren't I?
Once I had my shoes on, lighter and cellphone in my pocket, I was ready to go. "Dad, we're going to band practice! We'll be back in a few hours!" I shouted before walking out of the house, making sure the door was shut behind me. Riot and I got back inside my car, Riot taking out the Nirvana CD and replacing it with a band I'm somewhat familiar with- All Time Low. When Riot went to Warped Tour, she met the guys from the band and got their EP 'Put Up Or Shut Up' from a guy named 'Jack'.
Three songs later, we pulled into the driveway of Jannah's home. As Riot and I were getting out of the car, Jayden pulled into the driveway on his motorcycle. It took Jayden even longer to gather enough money for his motorcycle, but unlike me, his parents had helped him out with the expenses of the bike. Either way, it doesn't matter because Jayden has gotten a lot more attention from the school sluts. It's stupid, in my opinion, but I guess that if you have more shiny things, the whores come running.
"What's up, bitches!" Jayden greeted us with open arms. I laughed at his words while Riot punched him in the arm. Jayden does attend school with us, but he's a year younger than the three of us. We met him when Riot and I were in gym during Sophomore year. We were talking -a bit too loudly- of who we were going to get for a guitarist. Jayden was the one who approached us, telling both Riot and I that he could play the guitar, and that he wanted to join our band. That afternoon, he played the guitar for us and we instantly fell in love with the way he played. We've been a band and great friends ever since.

That's What You Get, Lydia // Hayley Williams
FanfictionRude. Sassy. Disrespectful. Feminist. Slacker. Stoner. Rebel. All these words have been thrown at Lydia Parker since the seventh grade. She's known for her rude behavior and for participating in brutal fights with other females and males. She smok...