[Chapter Twenty Eight] Takes Me To Paradise

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Title Credit: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars

Song: Noel by All Time Low 

Warning: Sex scene ahead 


The next morning, it was the day before the crappiest holiday of the year; Christmas. Despite my immense hatred and annoyance for the holiday, I still got Hayley and the rest of the girls a present this year. I'm shit at choosing gifts so I just got them whatever. It's not the usual drug stor last minute gift that most perents get their kid's friend friend five minutes before the party, but it isn't the greatest gifts in the world.

I ran my fingers over Hayley's present, smiling at the small gift I had chosen for her. I placed the gift inside a velvet box and slid the box underneath my bed.

Walking out of my bedroom, I headed into the kitchen where everyone was. Jannah was putting decorations on the tree, Hayley and Riot were busy cooking in the kitchen while Robin sat on the couch with a beer in her hand and a joint in the other. I decided to join her.

"Hey," I sat down beside her.

"Want some?" Robin smirked, referring to the joint dangling between her lips.

"Fuck yes." I grabbed the fatty from her mouth and took a long hit. "I heard who you were talking to last night." I admitted. Robin's eyes flashed with panic, she obviously wasn't expecting anyone to hear the sexual conversation she was having over the phone last night.

"Oh," she took a long drink of the beer. "Are you going to ask who I was talking to?"

I shrugged, propping my feet up on the coffee table. "I know who it was," I couldn't fight the smirk that had formed on my lips, "but I don't mind that you were talking to him, I just don't see why. He was such a douche to us at the dance."

Robin nodded, clearly agreeing with my words. "If you get to know him better, you'll learn that he isn't so bad." She whispered, her pink eyes avoiding me completely. "We hooked up at the after party at the dance. He didn't take advantage of me or anything. I was there, horny, and so was he. I kind of expected him to never talk to me again once things were over, but he asked me out the next day and things kind of took off from there."

I grabbed the remote and changed the channel to The Fresh Prince... They were doing some sort of Christmas episode where Will tries to get Boyz II Men to play at Nicki's first Christmas.

"If he hurts you," I began, my tone completely serious. "I will hunt him down and slit his throat." I smiled sweetly at her horrified expression.

"Well," Robin shifted on the couch, handing me the joint, "same goes with you and Hayls. If she ever does anything bad to you, I will kick her ass." Her tone is light, joking, but I don't find her words funny. Hayley would never do anything to hurt me. At least, I don't think she would. Even if she did, I would never let Robin -or anyone else- hurt her.

"God, it fucking stinks." Riot complained from the kitchen. I turned around, laughing as I watched her open one of the giant windows. She tried airing out the smell of marijuana with her arms, but it was useless. "Can you stoners go smoke in another room, please?" I shrugged and stood up from the couch.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a beer from inside before turning my attention to Hayley. She was dressed in a loose white tank top and grey sweats. Her hair was tied into a pony tail and she had no make-up on, but she didn't need it.

"You look cute," I kissed her, my arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Hayley smiled at me, her hands gently set on my chest as she pushed me away. "I need to finish this." She gestured to the sliced carrots in front of her. I had no fucking idea what they were cooking, but it smelled delicious.

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