Chapter One: It's Just A Spark
I apologize for this short as fuck chapter.
Stifling a yawn, I covered my mouth with my hand, blinking a few times as I tried poorly to stay awake. I looked in Peter's direction, forcing a smile once my eyes met with his. It's strange how this morning we had morning sex and not ten hours later, we're not even together anymore. I can't lie, I am heart broken that Peter would do something like that to me, but strangely, it hasn't affected me as much as it probably should have.
My fingers drummed against the surface of my wooden desk, creating a nice and steady beat. Instead of focusing on Ms.Collins' lecture, I kept my eyes glued on the clock.There were only ten minutes left until the final bell rang,which meant that the end of the day announcements would be coming in soon. Normally, Iwould block out the sound of the evening announcements, but not today. Today, they're finally going to announce who and who are going to be performing at the Winter Dance.
"And if Mrs. Jefferson were to deny this offer-" Ms. Collins read aloud from the large textbook, but she was quickly cut off by the sound of Principal James' voice coming from the speakers.
"Good afternoon, Wild Cats," He greeted in a cheery voice. I sat up, my fingers crossing underneath the table. "I hope you had a wonderful day because I know I did-" One of the office ladies must have given him a blow job or something. "-We would like to announce a few upcoming events. First off, the winter dance is coming up! Less than two weeks away. Remember, there is a dress code; the dresses cannot be too short. Men, you cannot show up in casual jeans and tee shirts. Also, I am fully aware that prom night is sometimes a place where people come to lose their virginity-" I snorted loudly, earning a hateful glare from Ms. Collins. "-but we will have chaperones there to keep a watchful eye on all of you so don't think that something like that will happen.
Anyways, I am now going to announce the performers for the Winter Dance. As an opening act, Tom Jordan's band, The Outsiders. Next, we have as a the main act, Lydia Parker's band, Romance Is Dead-" My eyes widened and I felt a wide smile quickly grow on my face. I could feel the eyes of some of my fellow students burning into me, but I ignored this and continued staring at the clock. "-and finally, as a closing act, Peter Walker will be ending the night with songs from his piano. Don't forget to sign up for the cl..." I drowned Principal James' voice out and stared at Peter with a confused expression.
Peter auditioned? I don't remember that... He was with us the entire time... Wasn't he?
After the announcements were finished, Ms. Collins continued her reading the textbook. All the while. I couldn't stop thinking about the winter dance. This is something our band has been looking forward to since October. We've never gotten the chance to play in front of a big audience, so hopefully, everything goes well. It's sad that Jayden won't be here with us, but I can have someone record our performance and send him a copy at least. I haven't talked to him in a few days so I should probably call him tonight and see how he's doing. I miss that little idiot, but I'm happy that his mother is doing better.
Suddenly, the bell rang, cutting through Ms. Collins' voice. I quickly stood up, grabbed my books and walked towards Peter. "You auditioned?" I asked.
Peter nodded as he swung his blue backpack over his shoulder. "Yeah, I auditioned after you guys left. I thought that, incase you guys didn't get a part and I did, I would let you come up on the stage and sing with me." He admitted, chuckling quietly. I smiled at Peter, thanking him before we both started out of the classroom. As usual, the hallways were packed with students. Some were calm, just talking and hanging out with their friends by the lockers, but most of them were rushing to leave the campus. I heard Willy's having another party tonight, but I'll have to skip out on attending the rave. Even though the dance isn't for another twelve or so days, I still need to look for a dress to wear. I know that our school isn't the only one who's having a dance in two weeks, so I want to buy a dress before all the stores run out.
Peter stopped in front of my locker, a sad look filling his brown eyes. "I'll see you later?" He asked. I nodded and quickly hugged him goodbye. Thankfully, Peter wasn't my ride. Yesterday I had managed to go to the bike shop and buy my own bicycle. It's nothing special, just an all blue bike with black handles and decent sized tires. Still, I'm happy that I won't be having to take rides from anyone else anymore. I have put aside a small amount of money for my car which is at a towing yard, but I don't think I'll be getting it back anytime soon.
Slamming my locker shut, I began towards the stairs and walked out of the building. "Lydia!" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind me. I turned around, surprised to see Jannah and Hayley walking towards us. Jannah had a look of excitement on her face while Hayley kept up a blank expression. I haven't spoken to her since she confessed to me, and I do feel bad for rejecting her, but what did she expect?
"Hey," I muttered, waving at the two of them. "what's up?"
"Nothing," Jannah replied. "we're about to go to Hayley's work." I hate how even though Jannah's voice sounds friendly and kind, there's still a noticeable tension between us. I haven't apologized to Hayley and I know they're fully aware of that.
I glanced over at Hayley, raising an eyebrow at her. "You work?" I asked with genuine curiosity. I didn't know she worked, but I guess it isn't that big of a surprise to me. Since Hayley is the only other teenager living at the apartments where I am, I'm not surprised that she had to take up a job. Hell, work is something I'm going to have to start looking for soon since I'm running low on just about everything.
Hayley slowly nodded, an unrecognizable look flashing in her eyes. "Yeah. I work at a cafe on 40th street. I doubt you've ever been there though. I doesn't seem like your kind of scene." She spat. I rolled my eyes, suddenly annoyed by the redhead,
"Isn't it great?" I asked, turning back to Jannah. "We got the main act at the winter dance!" I tried to control my excitement, but it didn't work out so well. Who cares, though? I've been looking forward to this for such a long time now, I deserve a little time to freak out.
Jannah eagerly nodded her head. "Fuck yeah, it is!" She exclaimed. "But I didn't know Peter auditioned."
"Neither did I." I admitted. "But it'll be nice seeing him up there. He's a really great singer, I'm sure he'll do great." It was the truth. There's no doubt in my mind that Peter will be amazing at the winter dance. I wonder what he's going to play...
"Jannah," Hayley interrupted. "I need to get going. My shift starts in fifteen minutes." She mumbled. Jannah nodded and we said our goodbyes. I watched as Hayley and her began towards Jannah's car. As much as I hate to admit it, I felt a spark of jealousy ignite inside me because of how close Jannah and Hayley seemed to be. But why? Why am I jealous of Jannah? Hayley and I aren't even friends, there no reason to be jealous, right?

That's What You Get, Lydia // Hayley Williams
FanfictionRude. Sassy. Disrespectful. Feminist. Slacker. Stoner. Rebel. All these words have been thrown at Lydia Parker since the seventh grade. She's known for her rude behavior and for participating in brutal fights with other females and males. She smok...