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My whole body is numb and muffled.
The words strike like a whip cutting the air. More slurs are thrown my way but I can't tell where they're coming from, I just know they're close. Very close. I open my eyes but the room stays dark, almost like a scrap of fabric has been tied around my head like a blindfold. Lifting my hands up to try and find the knot of the fabric, I find my wrists have been tied to the chair I'm sitting on.
Laughter. Pitiful and angry laughter circle me like a hawk watching its prey. There are two, maybe three people in the room. I know two of the voices, but one sticks out, I know whose it is, I could identify it anywhere.
"Alex?" I croak. Why does my body feel like it's giving up? Like it's too tired, and old?
"Look who finally decided to show up," his pubescent voice taunts.
"What's happening? Where am I? Why am I tied up?" I question, my mind hazy and incoherent. The last thing I remember was meeting Danny at Starbucks for a revision session. It was strange it being just us two, he kept looking around, clearly uneasy, almost like we were being watched.
"Don't act innocent with me, sket, you know exactly what you've done." His childish insult shows his age, but his tone tells a different story.
"If I knew what I'm supposed to have done I wouldn't have asked," I reply sarcastically. A rough, cold hand grips my jaw tightly and pulled upwards towards another face, their breath burning my numb head.
"Don't play smart with me, girl. I hold all the cards in this game," the voice is foreign to me, deeper and older, belong to someone in their late teens, maybe even early twenties. What the hell is an older guy doing with me?
"Untie me," I weakly demand. The voices that hurled slurs at me now laugh demeaningly.
"No," the grip tightens on my jaw, and I wince in pain.
"Tell me what I've supposed to have done then," I rapidly ask, the pain becoming unbearable. The calloused hand suddenly lets go of my face, but I can still feel his touch. A softer, familiar hand grazes my cheek and I immediately recoil in fear.
"You honestly don't know, do you?" Alex questions, pulling a stray hair behind my ear as best as he can with a blindfold on me.
"Please let me go," I plead, leaning into his touch, but am greeted with a sharp slap.
"You chose him! You left me for him! And now I want what's mine back! I didn't think that was too much to ask, but apparently I'm so repulsive you wouldn't even meet me to talk things through." I chose him? What the hell is he talking about?
"Yeah, you're gonna have to actually tell me, not speak so cryptically, I'm not a cryptographer," I sass back, earning another slap, this one fuelled by rage.
"You were with Danny! You went behind my back and saw him without my permission! My close friend! I ask for one thing, one tiny insignificant thing and you betray my one request. All I asked of you was to let me decide who you talked to, that's not so hard to follow, but you and your cock teasing mouth just had to disobey me, didn't it? I bet you even slept with him as well, didn't you! Well I simply won't stand for it. You cannot hurt me in such a way and think it's acceptable," his hand grabs a section of my long hair and pulls it tightly.
"So I'm getting my revenge, sweet, sweet Kenna, and don't you worry, you won't feel a thing, I put a date rape drug in your Starbucks cup. You're such a basic white bitch it's unreal."
"Revenge? What are you going to do to me? I didn't see Danny behind your back, we're just friends that like hanging out, and that 'one insignificant request' means you control my life, but you don't and never will! You need to understand we were never a thing, never are we ever going to be a thing, Alex, do you understand?" I sigh, feeling my head getting heavier.
"You're a bright girl Kenna, you'll figure out what I'm going to do. But sadly it's you that doesn't understand, you're mine. You were yesterday, you are today, and you will be tomorrow. I own you." Alex spits the last part, dragging me and the chair I'm tied to backwards, and slamming against the wall.
"Please... don't do this..." I try to lift my heavy head and keep my eyes open, even if they are useless. The bonds around my wrists are loosened and I try to fight the body pressed against me but my weak body fails me.
"You'll get what you deserve, you slut," the old voice spits in my ear before my world goes blank.

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