Definition: Slut

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Definition: Slut

By: GraceFlynn

[PG-13] Parents Strongly Cautioned


Being a matchmaker disguised as Queen Bee, it isn't easy to pretend you're not in love for the sake of raging fangirls, a childhood BEST friend, and the Wicked Witch Next Door. To get the Sweep-Off-Your-Feet happy ending from all of these dramatics, you've got to do some major butt kicking and devious scheming.





[ Trust Me: Who knew I'd be kissing a boy who snuck in my room naked?]

[ Date Night: One day, they'd be together with nothing between them. ]

[ Breathing Underwater: She's my sister's best friend. Damn it. ]

[ Boys Sucks: They do, a lot. But sometimes, it's tolerable. ]


My opinion:

I just discovered this and boy am I glad that I did! I legit just finished reading this... Now. It's freaking almost 3:00 in the morning and I started this.. Idk sometime earlier this last night. I couldn't put it down! The characters, the dilemma's, the plot! Everything is just so captivating and interesting! It's fabulous! My emotions got the best of me while reading this and I couldn't seems to stop putting myself in the character's (mainly Ella) place! I am in love with this story. It's phenomenal. Honestly you guys don't need to hear me repeat how awesome this book is, you should all just go read it! Or at least put it in your library to read later.

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