A village

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"What!?" I said when i saw It, filled with people and childs i was surprised, super surprised. Three years in this isolated island and i finally found people, but i don't know if i can trust them yet, i shall investigate.


Finally night, i can go and investigate what is going on and how they survive, i mean, there is old people in this....village?, It could be a city! I came to this abandoned place and there's no one in here hmmm maybe they don't go here very often or because is night time? Haven't they figured they are traped? Or have they lived here for an eternity? Ok Kiokko you need to stop asking so many questions to yourself calm down boy calm down.

I've been in this village for hours waiting to find something but nothing and soon is sunrise i need to go back to the house i was in.


They greet me with a smile an innocent smile but as innocent as that girl who claimed she was Sakura but a fake smile like they're hiding something sighs It makes me nervous.

"I'm leaving today, it's just that i still gotta explore, i've been exploring for three years so please don't worry" i said before leaving the village, but i promised that i would come back, i feel like is destiny.

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