The Resistance

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France, my home. She had been infested with a parasite, a sickness that no medicine could kill. Her beauty, ravished by her disease. But we-we are going to take her back, we are going to cure her. We will take back our home, at any cost.

This is my story, my name is Peter, Peter Dumas. It's been 7 months since the Nazis invaded. 7 months since I've seen my wife and children, 7 months since I died. The Nazis took my life that day, but from them I would take so much more. I was scared at first, I had felt no fear like this before, I have witnessed many great horrors. Woman and children...beaten, raped, killed, at the hands of these animals. Taking up arms was the easiest choice I have ever made, in fact taking another life was quite easy, simply because it wasn't another life I was taking. I was putting down a sick dog, ridding my home of it's disease.

Today is Sunday, November 1st, All Saints Day. Nazi officials were meeting at a cathedral on the North side of town. There was one in particular I was after, his name, Maximus Frank, the man responsible for the death of my family. 7 months ago I watched this execute my family in the middle of the street with a grin on his face. I died that day, and in my did he.

The air was cool and wet, I let a breath and steam filled the space that was once filled with snowflakes. I sat peering across the street at the church, everything today was about time. One second too fast or too slow, and my opportunity was gone. I had to be perfect, nothing less was acceptable, not today. A car with German insignia began to approach, I pressed the scope of my rifle to my eye. It was him, it had to be, as he stepped out of the car I took aim. I put the crosshairs on his chest, grasped the trigger, and prepared to settle the score. Slowly I began to squeeze the trigger, he extended his hand to shake with another officer, I fired.

The bullet struck him, just barely grazing his shoulder. "Fuck me!" I yelled. I knew I didn't have much time before they realized where the shot came from. I grabbed my rifle and headed for the fire escape. I bolted down the corridor and climbed through the window, just as I got my body out, a barrage of bullets riddled the brick wall next to me. Shit. Being trapped in a building in Nazi occupied France is not a ideal place to be. Quickly I leapt back in through the window and began to think.

The Game of ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora