two ~ bestfriend

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After school ended I started walking to the entrance where my grandma would pick me up. On my way there, I could see in the corner of my eye Justin jogging towards me. I stopped and waited for him to reach me.

"Hey, did you have a good first day? " he said. "Hi, it was fine, everyone was staring at me but other then that it was good". "That's great! where you going?" He asked. "Just to the entrance, my grandma is picking me up". "Oh, if you want I could give you a ride, maybe get some food?" "Sure that sounds good, I'm always down for some food". He smiled at me then stared walking to the student parking lot. On our way there I texted my grandma letting her know where I'm going to be at. Or else she would go insane not knowing where her "precious granddaughter" is, as she would say. Once we got to his car he open the door for me which I gave him a smile for. He walked to the drivers side and hopped in. "So where are we gonna eat?" I asked, "Does chipotle sound good?". "Sound perfect" I smiled.

After we got our food we talked for a while, in fact we talked for 2 hours straight. No awkward pauses, no tension, just a real conversation about so many things. We talking about food, movies, superheroes, music. It was crazy how well we get along. I can tell why we were best friends when we were little. I'm now back home, on my bed, eating a fruit salad, and watching stranger things on Netflix.

"Dinners ready!" My nonna yelled. I walked down the hall to the kitchen and set up the table for the 3 of us. My grandmother made chicken penne pasta with breadsticks on the side, with some fresh lemonade. We all sat down, my grandpa said the prayer and we dug in. "How was you first day hun?" My grandma asked, "It was surprisingly pretty good, I got a lot of weird looks from people, but other then that it was fine". "You told me you went out with a friend after for some food, tell me about it", "Oh yeah, do you remember Justin?from when I was little, he used to be my best friend". Both my grandparents widened their eyes in shock. I gave them a confused look "What's wrong?". My grandpa looked at me and said "You were on your way to Justin's house when the crash happened".

I was in my room listening to Higher by Rihanna. When I realized, just because I was on my way to Justin's house the day of the crash doesn't mean I shouldn't have any type of relationship with him. It's good actually, because it gives me a weird type of closer that I can't explain. It's almost as if knowing where me and my parents were going kind of helps in a way of truly healing.

Hello lovelies!
I hope you enjoyed reading chapter 2! This update was a little late and I'm very sorry. Please comment if you like this story and some of your favorite parts so far.

Thank you for reading
Love, Nana

Words: 547

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