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ㅡ ❝wrapped your body around mine.❞

Namjoon sighed deeply as he just walked into his apartment after a long day of working, writing music and producing it, at his studio. He put off his shoes and his jacket, yawning as he felt the tiredness creeping through his body. He couldn't wait any longer to finally lie down onto his bed, cuddling with Hoseok, who had promised to spend the night at Namjoon's place. He walked into the living room, looking around, searching for the slightly older male. As the only thing he could see was darkness he frowned. He wasn't used to coming home to darkness filling the apartment, usually Hoseok would be waiting for him and due to that the lights would be turned on. He walked over to the couch, putting his bag onto it, leaving it there for the next day that would be once again filled with hours and hours of work. Namjoon took a quick look at the clock near his tv. 2:34am. He sighed once again. He really was late, no wonder Hoseok wouldn't wait for him that long. He just wished the older was already in his bed and didn't go back to his own flat.

Namjoon didn't want to wake the other up if he was already sleeping, well, and if he was in Namjoon's bed after, so he hurried to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and changed his clothes to something he could sleep in. He never wore pajamas, he didn't like them. He usually slept in his boxer shorts, sometimes with a shirt on and sometimes without one. This time he decided to just wear one, he somehow felt cold. He then turned off the lights off in the apartment before he proceeded to finally walk over to his bedroom, where hopefully Hoseok was waiting for him. Well, Namjoon just hoped the other was already asleep. He would feel bad if Hoseok would have waited this long for him. He already felt guilty for coming home that late in the night even though he had promised to eat dinner with Hoseok and cuddle with him all evening and night. He really felt guilty, but he hadn't been able to just leave his studio without finishing what he was working on, scared to lose his inspiration if he dared to just wait for the next day.

The moment he opened the door he felt his heart shattering. Not because Hoseok wasn't there, because in fact he was laying in Namjoon's bed, but he was crying, terribly. Worry instantly flooded the younger's body as he heard the quite sobs of his lover. He couldn't bare hearing his sobs, in fact he hated each time Hoseok cried. Each time Hoseok would cry Namjoon felt his heart being torn into thousand little pieces, bleeding and he barely could take the pain. He instantly clutched his chest over his heart, feeling a painful sting in his heart as if a knife cut right through it. He stood frozen for a few seconds before he finally hurried over to his crying lover, instantly pulling him into his arms, planting kisses all around the older's face and neck.

Hoseok clutched his hands into Namjoon's shirt, still sobbing. He hid his face at the younger's neck, inhaling his scent in order to reassure himself that Namjoon was really there and not just another one of the hallucinations he had to face oh so often. Namjoon kept holding him tightly, pressing him against his chest. He soon noticed Hoseok was in fact shaking and so he grabbed the blanket and brought it around Hoseok's shoulder. He then made sure the blanket was covering Hoseok's whole body so he would soon feel warm. Namjoon wanted to smile as he watched Hoseok snuggling into the blanket and against his chest, but he couldn't. He was too worried about the older, making up scenarios in his mind on what could have happened to cause his angel to cry. He graved for the other's smile, graved for those beautiful eyes looking at him filled with love, but at that very moment there was nothing else in Hoseok's eyes than tears. Well, Namjoon would have probably seen the sadness, the worry and the fright in the older's eyes, if Hoseok wouldn't have hidden his face at the younger's neck and actually look at him. Namjoon, caressed the older's back, pressing soft kisses to Hoseok's hair as the older slowly stopped crying. His sobs slowly subsided until only a few hiccups were left.

Namjoon had no idea how much time had passed by and, honestly, he didn't even care. The only important thing for him now was Hoseok after all. He didn't care how late it was and that in fact he should have been sleeping since he would have to get up soon again. He simply didn't care, because Hoseok was his world and without Hoseok Namjoon simply would be nothing. Without Hoseok Namjoon would have never even gotten to the point where he was now and due to that alone he had to care for Hoseok more than anything else. But the main reason was Namjoon's love for the older. He loved him with all he was. He was certain his love for Hoseok was bigger than the distance from earth to the sun and back. His love for the older was infinite. Some might even call it an obsession. Namjoon didn't even care about that. Other should talk about whatever they want and he didn't even have a problem with being called 'obsessed' by his friends and others as well, because in fact he was. He was obsessed with Hoseok, and that would never change.

"What happened?" Namjoon quietly and carefully asked as the hiccups died down as well and left them in a nice silence. At first Hoseok only hummed in response, but soon he pulled back a little, away from the younger's firm chest in order to look up into his eyes. Only then Namjoon was able to see what he should have seen sooner. All the worry in the older's eyes, the fright, the sadness, caused Namjoon's heart to feel torn once again. He wanted to clutch his hand over his chest again, but he kept himself from doing so, remembering Hoseok always got worried the moment he'd see Namjoon doing so. Always telling him to see a doctor and get it checked. Hoseok was already feeling enough, Namjoon didn't want to add any more worry to the other's already burdened heart.

"I was afraid." Hoseok answered, lowering his head against the younger's shoulder, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the comfort. Namjoon then laid Hoseok onto the bed, grabbing another blanket. He lay down right beside Hoseok, pulling the older tightly against his chest once again. He kissed Hoseok's forehead, caressing his hair. Hoseok sighed in content, feeling his body calm down even though his mind was still caught up in a hurricane of different thoughts, one worse than the next one.
"Why?" Namjoon finally asked as Hoseok was completely still. Hoseok closed his eyes again.
"I thought you forgot about me, found someone better to spend your night with." Hoseok whispered, almost afraid to speak his thoughts out loud. He knew Namjoon was sensitive to that topic. Hell, he himself was too. Namjoon sighed deeply, pressing Hoseok even more tightly against his chest, not leaving any space in between them. He needed to feel Hoseok against his body, not only to reassure himself that Hoseok was right there beside him, but also to reassure Hoseok that he was the most important person in his life.

"I already told you about a thousand times that there's nobody else in this world that could make me feel anywhere near what you make me feel." Namjoon said, quietly. He took a look down at Hoseok, who was now looking at his throat. Namjoon sighed as Hoseok wouldn't answer anything. He knew the older was insecure, always had been, but there was nothing to worry about. Namjoon would never be able to love anyone anywhere similar to the love he felt for Hoseok. Hoseok was his all, his heart and his life. His 'obsession'. "I love you, Hobi. More than anything and everyone else. I'd give up everything for you. You just need to speak that one sentence." Namjoon added.

"No, I'd never forgive myself if I'd pull that egoistic act of forcing you away from your passion." Hoseok suddenly let out, even startling Namjoon for a second as he hadn't predicted the older to answer that suddenly. "I'll never put myself in between of you and your music. Never. I'd rather let you go." Hoseok added, this time whispering the words. Namjoon sighed deeply, slightly shaking his head. He couldn't believe the older's words. Namjoon would never choose music over Hoseok, never. Hoseok obviously saw the thoughts written over Namjoon's face as he answered. "You'd never be happy without your music."

"I'd never be happy without you."

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