Quote #35

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Dr. Shneeplestein plays operation.

Nurse I am not getting a heart beat! There is no heart beat! I'm going to have to preform CPR! Peter! *starts doing CPR* Peter!  Don't you die on me Peter! I need you! *does mouth to mouth* I need you in my life Peter! Who else will pay my taxes? *cries* Dammit I have lost another one! They are really going to take away my cereal box doctor licence this time. *holds up signs that says '100% real doctor'* See I told you I have real doctors licence, you cannot take this away from me!  *points to side and hold 'doctors licence'* No! Not today, not today. I need this, this is the only way my wife and kids are going to stay with me, other wise they're gonna stay with that tennis instructor Rick. *Crumples doctors licence* That bastard! *looks at crumpled license* What have I done?!? I'm ruined!

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