Quote #36

28 2 0

Still doctor Shneeplestein

Okay and that does it for this episode of the Jacksepticeye Power Hour. I have been Dr. Shneeplestein teaching you how to operate on humans since they came to earth 14 years ago. If you have any further questions feel free to call me on 1980-485-6239-5946-4659-8321 and remember don't swallow phones if you care for your bones.

Oh dear baby Jesus above, 1k reads?!?!  That's absolutely insane!  Thank you guys so much and if you liked this quote punch that vote button in the face like a boss and high fives all around! Whapish Whapish thank you guys and I will see all you dudes in the next chapter!

JACKSEPTICEYE QUOTESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon