Chapter 1- STARES!

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Anya's POV
"Great another school morning" I was always an enthusiast person about school. Meeting friends, partying, joking around with them, laughing my head off, and enjoying my biology class. Until recently. Lets just say now I do school only for one reason, my parents. My parents are one of those cool ass people where they don't mind if I go to school or not. But I guess I can't just sit home the entire senior year.So I go to school every morning.

I do my usual routine of dressing up. But today I just did a little change, I added a little make up on. Just like I used to do when I was excited about school.

I shout a 'Good Morning' to my mom as I head out of our house and unlock the garage and stare at the multiple different cars we had, I didn't really have to give it a thought I just picked my everyday car to school, my black Mustang. FYI yeah my parents are filthy rich and am the only child. I was pampered way too much. I wasn't bratty or prideful about the wealth I had. I always believed it was my parent's money.

I park my Mustang and got out of the car. But I don't just walk in today, like every other recent day, I just stand in front of Raynes High and stare at it, contemplating if I really want to go in or just drive somewhere else and spend the day.

Just as am about to turn back and leave, I hear my name being called, more like screamed, out. I see my bestfriend Ruby waving at me like something really exciting is going on. I groan at her fanatic mood, when she comes jogging to me and locks her arms with mine. Then she screeches, jumping up and down about the god knows what.

The next thing I know am being dragged inside by Ruby, when I suddenly collide into someone. I start to mumble "sorry I was in a rush", and then when I look up to meet the most exotic pair of eyes i've ever seen. A pair of light brown eyes, looking at me with utter amusement. Just as I start to continue, "uh..I..uh", I see those eyes now have an aggravated look in them. And for some unknown reason am hurt.

I'm pulled back into reality, when my friend Ruby starts dragging me again, as she yells a 'sorry' to the guy. We reach my locker when Ruby finally tells me what's got her so excited this morning. She begins, " Anya please, not today, seriously what's gotten into you these days. I miss the old you, the noisy loud and cheerful you." I just give her a sad smile as she continues, "anyway lets foget the sentimental stuff, do you know what's happening this year???" And I just give her a bored look and ask "what?". "So much excitement" Ruby says rolling her eyes. And I reply with a "well thank you". This doesn't stop Ruby as she jumps up and down shaking me with her hands on my shoulders as she says "The Talent show!!"

I just look at her and ask her "what's so special about the Talent show it happens every year?" And she keeps a hand on her heart feigning hurt and saying "painful much" I just roll my eyes at her. I give her a look to explain to me why its so special. " Anya! Really this is our last year of high school. Our senior year for chocolate's sake! So this year am going to join the talent show. Isn't that exciting." All the while saying this she had a twinkle in her eyes. And I say "that's AWESOME!" Trying to be enthusiast for her. That's when she drops the bomb " guesssss what? You are doing it with me!" I just glare at her and give her the look of "oh and by the way I even got our names booked in and we aren't allowed to withdraw them." Ruby says hesitating a little.

Just as am about to open my mouth to reprimand her for her stupid ideas the period bell goes off and she rushes off to class. We have 8periods together and she is fortunate enough she doesn't have the first one with me. Cause if she did she would be dead by now. I head to my first class AP Calculus.

Michael's POV
I was not quite in the mood for school today. I was already dreading about my friend Randy rant on about the up coming talent show and how we should do something for it. I clearly wasn't in the mood so I just kept walking zoning out Randy.

When someone bumps into me and starts to mumble sorries and some other things I really couldn't hear. She opened her mouth to say something, but when she looked up and I locked my eyes with her big brown ones, it was like everything around me stopped and I just looked at her in amusement. But when she continues, I change my expression to an aggravated one and for some reason I felt like hurt flashed in her eyes. I shook the thought away and before I could even say anything, she was already being dragged away by, what I assume was, her friend. Her friend just yelled out an apology across the room.

I head to my locker, all the while, thinking about those eyes. Those eyes that were able to captivate me in just some seconds. Now I had questions, a lot of questions. Who was that girl? What's her name? Was she a senior? Was she in any of my classes? Where was she from? Was she new here? And those eyes..what was in those eyes that I was lost in them?? What was it about her????

I hear the period bell ring and I head off to class. Yeah I was very punctual man. I may be a bad boy but I was really good with my studies. And my first class just happens to be my favorite one AP Calculus.

As am about to step in I collide with a person and I groan saying "not again". I look up to see who it is and am met with the same pair of big brown eyes for earlier this morning. And this time we locked our eyes for a good 10 minutes straight and stared at each other. I just got lost in her eyes. I had no record of time till someone cleared their throat and we finally broke apart from the stare.
Picture of Michael on top :-)

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