Chapter 2- Shy Glances.

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AP Calculus, ahhhh!!! I loved math, I loved learning new things, I loved formulas, I loved sounding smart! I was so full of life, but now everything just sort of irritates me. I just hate it when the teacher calls on me to answer questions or solve a math problem. Being the smart one in the class I always volunteered to do problems, I even helped people who didn't understand these long formulas and had the utmost patience with them when they didn't understand something, but now just being around people annoys the hell out of me!

Having these thoughts in my mind I walked to AP Calculus. As I was about to enter class I bumped into someone, as I look up to see who it is I realize that its the same dude from early this morning.

We lock our eyes again, but this time there was no disturbance, there was no one to pull me away. It was just me and him. I lost track of time. But for once I didn't mind, I could look into these eyes forever and ever, until someone had to interrupt us, by clearing their throat.

I look up to see who it was, and to my surprise it was Naia.

Right so meet Naia Ferry, the school's slut. A lot of girls really didn't get along with her. She was an absolute bitch. She had bad intentions, loved drinking and doing drugs, partied way too hard, lost her virginity when she was 13, had kissed almost all boys at school, wore the most inappropriate clothing, and claimed everything she liked her. And never forget she hated sharing!!

She was rich, she had a lean curvy body. Loved competition, was average in studies. She was beautiful to be honest, she had straight blonde hair, nice blue eyes and a sweet complexion.

I had absolutely no problem with Naia, but Naia always seemed to have a problem with me. I even confronted her about this one day and her answer to this was "Bitch please, Naia Ferry doesn't give a shit about you."

I smiled when I saw Naia, and said "Hey Naia", and being the bitch she is, of course, she just rolled her eyes and me and turned to this dude. She shamelessly started checking him out and ran her plam over his hand, and for some reason I wanted to just tell her to back off. Then she opened her mouth to say, "Hey, you the boy everyone has been talking about lately. My name is Naia", then she giggles and continues, "hehe what am I even saying, everyone knows me, am sure you do too." Then she pull out a pen and writes her number for him. "Call me tonight, am free" .

And is about to walk away when this boy speaks, "Well if it isn't the one and only Naia Ferry, i've heard enough about you from many of my friends" and while saying this he rans his plam over her arm and she giggles, and am really hurt by his gesture, I really wished he didn't touch all. Then he turned to me and looks at me.

Then he continues, "So this is your number, and did I hear you are free tonight? I think I did, but babe I have only 5 simple words for you 'you are not my type'. Now move I think you've wasted enough of my time".

With that he turns to me, and says in a really soft tone, "I think you got class to attend too." I nod and follow him inside.

Throughout class I couldn't stop myself from looking his way. I just kept stealing glances at him and he caught my eyes 3 or 4 times. I don't know if he was doing the same or just looking around class and just happened to catch me looking at him.

Michael's POV
I was brought out of my trance when someone cleared their throat. I turned to see who it was and realized it was none other than Naia Ferry. I had heard a lot about her from my other friends. The one main thing being that she was a complete slut.

Naia Ferry was pretty, but she just wasn't like the girls I liked, she was too reveling. And had her lips on almost every guy from school.

I was looking at her when the girl beside me spoke, with a cute smile on her face, she said, "Hey Naia", but Naia just rolled her eyes at her and turned to me. She checked me out and then started to ran her palm up and down my hand, and I turned to look at the girl beside me, she looked I think jealous, she looked soooo cute.

Then I turn my attention to Naia as she says, "Hey, you the boy everyone has been talking about lately. My name is Naia", then she giggles and continues, "hehe what am I even saying, everyone knows me, am sure you do too." Then she pull out a pen and writes her number and hands it to me saying, "Call me tonight, am free".

As she is about to leave I speak, "Well if it isn't the one and only Naia Ferry, i've heard enough about you from many of my friends" and while saying this I run my plam over her arm and she giggles, then I turn and look at the girl beside me, who's just watching this whole scene take place.

Then I continue, "So this is your number, and did I hear you are free tonight? I think I did, but babe I have only 5 simple words for you 'you are not my type'. Now move I think you've wasted enough of my time".

With that I turn to the girl beside me, and say in a really soft tone, "I think you got class to attend too." She nods and follows me inside.

I may be the smart student and take my studies seriously and all but today I just zoned the teacher out, because I could not stop myself from stealing glances at her, I just couldn't stop myself. She caught me 3 or 4  times looking at her. I tried to hold her eye but she kept looking away. The only thing I wanted to know was if she was stealing glances at me as well or was it just her looking around class, and so coincidentally happened to catch me looking at her.
Picture of Anya on top :-)

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