Chapter Five

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"Hey, Nora, feeling any better?"

Jean appeared in her doorway with a sympathetic smile. He had a pitcher of water in one hand, and some bread in the other.

"Hi, Jean," she says with a genuine smile. "I'm feeling better. I think it's mostly passed now."

The room was dimly lit. Nora looked paler than usual. She was dehydrated, no doubt. Her face looked thin and her hair dull.

"You need to put on some weight, you know," he sighs. "Look at you. You're way too underweight. The Walls have plenty of food now. Take advantage of it."

"I eat enough." A doctor walked in a few minutes later, clipboard in hand. He sighs, looking down at the chart. "Doc, am I underweight?" she asks.

"Severely," he says with a frown. Jean gives the I told you so look. "Everything else seems fine so far. It must just have been something you ate. Since you're feeling better there's no need to draw blood and conduct tests."

He calls for a nurse to bring her a semisolid diet for the time being, consisting of mashed apples and soup. After a while, Nora is once again alone, frowning while staring out of the window.

I just want to go train and be strong. For Levi.


Days later, Nora was getting changed into her jacket when she heard the siren. Her eyes widened at the sound. No one was even on her floor anymore. She grabbed her gear and put it on as fast as possible, the heavy weight dragging her down as she ran.

"Nora!" she heard her name called.

"Aeron!" she yells, relieved. "What's going on?"

"I came to get you. It's the Titan shifters. They're back."

Her knuckles turned white around the handles of her swords. "All of them?"

"Only the Armored. The rest must be hiding somewhere. He's destroying buildings and killing anyone who goes near him. We can't stop him."

The two were running towards the cloud of dust and smoke that was billowing from behind the wall that surrounded the castle. With the Survey Corps headquarters at their backs, the superior and recruit were heading as fast as they could into the action.

She watched as soldiers began dropping one by one onto the ground, puddles of blood surrounding them. All three branches, Garrison, Scouts, and Military Police, were experiencing severe casualties. She was stunned; she hadn't seen a massacre this bad since the time she infiltrated the church.

"Nora, come on!" her recruit was yelling, dragging her out of harm's way from a falling building. "Come on, Lieutenant! Keep moving! Pay attention!"

"Aeron, wait!" she yells back. Her head was spinning. She was so dizzy that she was seeing triple. A chill went up her spine.

This was a violence that she hadn't seen in years.

Reiner was smashing buildings and throwing the pieces at the soldiers. He was grabbing at the wires of their gear and whipping them down, splattering the brave soldiers on the pavement.

Nora felt like vomitting again.

"Where's Levi?"

Her voice was hoarse. Her hazel eyes glanced in all directions. He'd be first to the fight, surely. Of course he would be. He always was.

Her heart dropped into her stomach, and before she knew it she was vomiting her food from the night before. Aeron was rubbing her back and holding her still unbrushed hair from her eyes.

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