Chapter 4

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     Evan and I loved each other. Now that that was cleared up, we were inseparable from each other. We spent every second of our free time together. When Lilly died, I had a hole in my life. There was something missing. A gap. Once I got close with Evan, he filled this hole. He gave me what I was missing. He closed the gap. 
      Evan took over the role in my life that I thought would never again be occupied. Evan was my new best friend. Even better, he was also my boyfriend. My life sucked, but I didn't care because I had him. I knew he would always make everything better.
     We had been told Evan was going to get his new kidney soon. I was anxious for us to get the call. Every time Evans phone rang I thought it was finally time. It was like I was waiting for him  to go into labor or something.
      I got all jumpy and fidgety. I guess Evan noticed. I knew he would eventually. He notices everything.
"Ok, what's wrong?"
"Psht, what are you talking about? Nothing is wrong. I'm doing spectacular."
"Alyssa, I know you. I can tell that you are worried about something.''
"Ok, fine. I'm a little worried about your new kidney. I just want it to come. I know you don't want to say it to me, but I can tell you're getting worse. You need this kidney as quick as possible."
"I get it, sweetie. I'm nervous too. It will come though. I have great doctors and they will never let me get too sick. They'll let us know when I'm ready for it."
"Ok, but when it is time for the kidney that brings a whole new problem. What if the surgery doesn't work? What if something goes wrong? I mean, it's a very complicated procedure. I don't care if you have the best doctors on the planet. They could still screw up and... and...''
"Kill me?"
"I wasn't gonna say that"
"I know you were thinking it. I promise, I will do everything in my power not to die. I will fight with everything I have left. I would never leave you like that. I don't want to hurt you ever."
I started crying.
"Don't cry, my love. I won't leave you. I will get my new kidney and I'll recover from the procedure. We'll grow up together. It will be perfect."
"I love you, Evan. I love you so, so much."
"And I love you, Alyssa Marie. I can't imagine my life without you in it."
     A couple days later I was having dinner with Evan and his family. They had started to treat me like another daughter. I was talking to his mother, Karen, about college. Evan suddenly reached over and clutched my leg.
     I was confused because he would never do something like that, especially not with his family around. I looked up at him. He was white and slack jawed. Evan was frozen still. He wasn't moving. Karen hadn't stopped talking yet.
"Karen. Karen! Something is wrong!"
"Oh my God! Alyssa call the ambulance now. He's having a seizure!"
      My mind started racing. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. I them our address and did my best to say what was wrong. Evan was on the floor now. I held one hand while his mom held the other. I just kept whispering that everything was gonna be ok and telling him how much I loved him. 
     Thank God and everything holy that they let me ride with him in the ambulance. The way to the hospital was the most terrifying experience of my life. Evan stopped breathing twice on the way there. All I could do was sit there and pray that these doctors knew what they are doing.
     After a little while at the hospital, they finally let us know what was going on. Apparently, Evan's kidney disease had caused him to have an electrolyte imbalance in his body. This caused him to have a seizure in the middle of the restaurant.
     This was okay though. He would get better. He would come home with his family and be here with me forever. Then the doctor said something worse. Evan would have to stay in the hospital until he got his transplant. That could be days or weeks or who knows how long. I was worried he couldn't make it that long. What if he died in this hospital bed?
     From that day until he went home, I promised I would stay by his side all the time I possibly could. And I did. I was there all day taking to him. I slept there in a chair at night. After a week of doing that I was exhausted. That day a doctor came in with some good news. His mom, Karen, was there too.
     The doctor said that someone had finally donated a kidney he was compatible with. They had to get him ready for surgery the next day. It was going to happen. Evan was going to get his kidney and get better, just like he said he would.     He couldn't eat until the next day.
His surgery would be early in the morning. My love would finally get better.

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