Chapter 3: Anastasia Acts Like A Damn Stalker, Kind Of

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Rey arrived at Tatooine Hall. It was the first day of actual college and she had English here with Poe. He was walking with her. When they arrived, Rey noticed someone she recognized. Anastasia, Rey thought and snarled.

"Is something wrong Rey?" Poe asked, noticing the face she had just made.

"No," Rey said as they walked into a huge classroom. Or at least what seemed huge to Poe and Rey, since D'Qar High School was a small school.

When they sat down she saw Anastasia sit down as well from across the room. She was drunk even on the first day of classes. Rey rolled her eyes.


A few days later...

Rey was sitting in her dorm room watching Shadowhunters when her phone rang. She picked up.

"Hello?" Rey said, muting the television.

"Hey, it's Ben," the voice said.

"Hey, Ben. What do ya need?" Rey replied, as she felt herself grin slightly.

"Do you wanna go see Rogue One with me tomorrow (AMAZING MOVIE BTW)?" Ben said.

"Yeah, of course," Rey said, her slight grin turning into a huge smile.


The next day...

Rey and Ben were sitting together in the movie theatre. Rey leaned over to Ben.

"I really ship Jyn and Cassian" she whispered. She saw Ben smile out of the corner of her eye.

Rey looked up. Oh shit, she thought. It was Anastasia. She was with some of her friends.


After the movie...

Thank God Anastasia didn't see us, Rey thought to herself, as Ben walked her to her dorm room.

"Bye, Rey," Ben said.

"Bye," Rey replied. As she turned to her dorm, Ben opened his mouth as if he was going to say something. But he did not, and he just walked away.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I will hopefully be updating my Story of Kylo Ren book soon so be on the lookout for that too!

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