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Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook!" i heard Sarah downstairs. "I'm coming!" i said and quickly ran out of the door to go downstairs. I accidently bumped Sarah i did not see her. She quickly grabbed my shirt so she wouldn't fall down the stairs. I grabbed her arms and pulled her but we fell on the ground. Sarah was laying on top of me, our faces were so close. I didn't know that she is so beautiful. We stared at eachother until we realised that our faces were getting closer.

Sarah: Are you okay?

Jungkook: Yeah, are you okay?

We both stood up.

Sarah: That was so close i probably would have fell all the way down the stairs.

Jungkook: Yeah that was close good thing that i grabbed you or you probably get a broken arm by falling down the stairs.

Sarah: I called you like 5 times but why won't you answer?

Jungkook: Oh sorry cause i wasn't still finish packing.

Sarah: Well are you done now?

Jungkook: Yeah

Sarah: Shall we go then?

Jungkook: Yup

Sarah's POV

We got out of the house and went to the trainstation and got inside the train. It was night actually and it was 07:35 pm. We got out of our stop. "I want to go to the bubbletea shop" i said. "No! Sarah you can't drink cold drinks you are still sick" Jungkook said. "Fine! let's go" he said and we went to the bubbletea shop. I went to find a spot to sit while Jungkook was ordering. I found a place and just waited for Jungkook. "I'm back!" Jungkook said while holding our drinks. "Here" he said and handed me a hot cup of tea. "Where is my bubbletea?" i asked with confused. He smirked. "You can't drink cold bubbletea you need to drink something warm your still sick Sarah!" Jungkook said. "Fine" i said and just drank it. "I should get going it's getting dark" i said. "I'll take you home" Jungkook said. "Nah it's fine i can go by my self". "No seriously let me" Jungkook said. "Mmm k i said" and we were on our way to my house.

"Well thanks for taking care of me when i was sick" i said. "Your welcome, see you after winter break" Jungkook said while scratching the back of his neck. He was getting closer to me, what is he doing? "You should probably go now it's getting really dark and it's dangerous to go alone at night" i said cause he was getting really close to me. "Dangerous at night? nah i can handle it i'm strong" Jungkook smirked. "Well go now then" i said and closed the door not even letting him say goodbye. "Byee!" i heard him from the other side of the door. I smiled and heard Lisa's voice.

Lisa: Hey Sa-

Lisa: Why are you smiling like an idiot?

Sarah: Huh?

Lisa: There is something fishy going on here, what is it?

Sarah: Just happy to be back cause it was boring there with mom and her friends house.

Lisa: Why did you come home so early? i thought you were there for a week.

Sarah: Yeah but i got a little bit sick so mom said it was best if i go back home.

Lisa: Mmm.. k

A week later.........

Sarah's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm. Ugh! school. I can't believe winter break already is over. I rolled out of bed to get ready for school. I took a shower and had some warm clothes on since it's winter. I curled my hair and put some make up on, i went downstairs to eat breakfast with Lisa.

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