Chapter IV

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Victor's pov...

"E-excuse me, have you seen (Y/n)?" The man only shook his head, and proceeded walking away. Panic set in as I realized my brother was missing. My poor innocent little brother, I had asked just about everyone and they all say the same thing "the last place we saw him was at the tower with Altair." I had myself hoping nothing bad went on, with what happened to Malik and all. I just couldn't take it if something bad were to happen to him.

Altair's pov...

(p.s. It's gonna go off of the plot for a bit also I don't remember much of what happens after Al Mualim stabs Altair so just bare with me plz)

I groaned as I opened my eyes, the light burning as they adjusted to it. I looked down towards my abdomen but found I had no wound? "He stabbed me but...?" Whispering to myself I got up and headed for the grand masters room, once there I began my line of questions. This quickly led to an argument. "I saw you, you stabbed me yet there is no wound?" Al' Mualim suddenly slammed his hands down on the desk before standing up, "you saw what I wanted you to see!" After that it became quiet.

(Y/n) pov...

I woke up to a gentle swaying, it was almost peaceful. I opened my eyes to see a man, the same man that we fought against at Masyaf. Robert de Sable.

After a while he looked down at me, my (e/c) orbs met his dark brown ones. He just faces forward once more, sparing me glances every now and then. 'Why don't I just run?' I thought.. but I knew the answer(s).

One, he would be much faster than me.

Two, I can't fight him on my own

And three, I don't know which way to go...

I sighed to myself and turned my body so that I was facing forwards instead of laying sideways across his lap, course my head wasn't in the way of his line of sight, I was shorter than him apparently, "are you scared." Finally he said something to me, it was more of thrown out words rather than a question though. "...." I kept quiet, he only chuckled. "What's the matter? I don't bite... not too hard anyway." As he said this I felt his breath on my ear and neck, I shivered involuntary causing him to chuckle more.

"I would like it if you didn't get in my personal space.." I whispered out. Suddenly hands grabbed my hips and I jumped a bit, I began thinking to myself. 'This is not happening!'

'Please someone come save me...'


Just figured I'd update or somethin' cause I was bored and I haven't started on my other book yet cause of difficulties :/ but that's ok I guess. Also I know the picture is Altair and Robert but it's just kinda for ur imagination, just imagine it's u instead of Alty k? :3

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