Chapter VIII

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//TimeSkip to after a week\\

You were overjoyed to be home again. You weren't particularly fond on the work you had to make up but you knew you'd get over it, besides now you could catch up on your reading. As of right now you were in the library, in your favorite spot... just... reading. 

Yeaaa not the most exciting thing in the world but hey? what could you say?? You loved to read, it was your passion, a-anyway enough introduction! As you were reading a particularly intimate, should you describe, part in your novel a voice interrupted your reading causing you to slam the book closed, and sending you face ablaze with embarrassment. "Did you here me, novice?" 

Ugh! does he have to do that?! geez.. I averted my eyes from Altair, only focusing on the wall beside him. "N-no sorry, what was it you needed?" I began shakily. He rolled his eyes before repeating himself, "I asked if you were ready for you're lesson."  to this I was confused..  "what do you mean? I have a lesson today?" this time he sighed, and then motioning me to follow him. I tilted my head a bit, shrugged, and followed the proclaimed master assassin to the training grounds. "Wow.." I scoffed, "haven't been here in a while." A small smile made it's way to my lips as a remember my, as well as my brothers, younger days out here. We both hoped we could one day become great and skilled like the many others who've worked day and night out here. Suddenly Altair jerked me over as a misguided throwing knife flew by, grazing my cheek and landing in the ground ways away from its target. Now with my eyes wide and breath held slightly from shock and the new slight pain on my face, I brought my fingers up to lightly touch my burning cheek. I hadn't realized it, but Altair held me up slightly due to the force from him jerking me away from the misconstrued blade, so much so that i was leaning on him. Still shocked I regained my balance and yet again my face regained a fiery blush at the notice of Altair's hands trying to steady me. This confused me thoroughly. 'Why would he....' my thoughts were soon stopped as he dragged me over to an arena. "Here." he tossed me a sparring sword before grabbing his own and adapting a skilled fighting stance. "Wait, wait, just a minute!" I practically screamed, "what is it now, novice" he grunted. "I have a name you know.." I pouted, which was short lived as his patience was wearing thin. "What is it that is so important for you to delay your training?"  I looked down, shame written all over my face and my cheeks once again burn a scarlet red for the third time that day, and then I confessed.... "I do not know how to sword fight."


Wlep that's another chapter I guess sorry it took so long and sorry its short, plz forgive meh!! 

('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Wweh....

Training A Bookworm (Altaïr X Male!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora