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waking up with a smile on my face. Last night was hands down one of the best night I've had no doubt. I was ready for round two. I rolled over and she was gone.
She's probably somewhere in the castle. Getting up I put on my boxers and t-shirt. Before walking out the room I noticed something different but I didn't pay it any mind. I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of fruits.
"Good morning your highness"
"Good morning" I said sitting at the table.
""Katylnn? Right?"
"Yes sir"
"Have you seen Kendra ?"
"No your highness, would you like for me to look for her?"
"No that won't be necessary"
"Good morning son" my mom said walking in.
"Where is she?"
"Oh you mean the commoner, well she finally came to her senses and left"
"What do you mean she left"
"She came to me in the middle of the Night asking for cash and a ride to the airport. Although I don't really like her I gave her the money and let her take the private jet. She left this for you"
I grabbed the envelope and took out the letter. There was water stains which I suppose were her tear drops.
Dear Adam
If you are reading this it means I have left. I loved every minute we spent together and if I could do it over I wouldn't change a thing. You've brought a real light to my life that I didn't know I had anymore after my grandma died. Last night was amazing. I would love to stay but I can't. I don't want to ruin your life. I'm a commoner, a black girl. What joy can I bring to your life? I have no title! You need someone with a higher status then me. I will not let you risk giving up your title over me.. stay there be the king I know you can be. Remember no ones perfect. Don't come looking for me I'm long gone.

Love always

I was in tears. The love of my life just fucking left me. I threw my bowl across the room watching it shatter.
"ADAM" my mum screamed
"Are you fucking happy now. She's gone. You got what you wanted" I yelled and left. I needed to get out of here and clear my mind. Running up to my room I threw on a pair of shorts and running shoes. I needed a run. Walking out the door I come face to face with Elizabeth. Before I could do anything she kissed me. Pulling away I said " How does Kendra taste? I ate her last night and you just kissed me" I smiled evily and started running.

Kendra pov

Arriving in Tennessee I was so tired. The Uber took me to one of the hotels and I cried myself to sleep..
Waking up a few hours later. I did my hygiene routine and went in search of a computer and phone. The receptionist let me use the boss office. I looked up cheap places. Nothing fitted what I wanted as I was about to give up I saw the most beautiful cabin it was three story and it was for lease. Perfect!! I called the owner and scheduled a meeting for the next day. After thanking the receptionist I went to find a little resturant. My stomach was growling really loud. I found a little burger joint in the downtown area and ordered. The people here was really nice.
"Is there anything else you need miss?"
"Umm well I was wondering are you guys hiring"
"As a matter of fact we are, let me go get the manager for you"
I knew I had to get a job bc the money the queen gave me wasn't gonna last forever. I had just finished eating the last of my burger before the waitress came back with an older looking guy I assume is the manager. Quickly wiping my mouth being careful not to wipe off my lipstick I stood.
"Hello I'm Kendra and you must be the manager" I said holding out my hand.
"Yes ma'am I am. The names John" He said shaking my hand.
"Cassie here told me you were looking for a job"
"Yes sir I am"
"Well you're in luck we are hiring and I have free time. So why don't we do an interview right here right now"
"But I'm not dressed to impress and I don't have a resume or anything."
"That's fine and what you have on is good enough. Follow me to my office please"
30 minutes later
"You're hired" those words brought joy to my heart. I couldn't stop smiling.
"Tomorrow you will train with Cassie starting at 11 am until closing. We close at 12 pm can you mange that"
"Yes sir" I said walking out.
"Did you get the job?" Asked Cassie as soon as she saw me.
"Yess I did"
She screamed and hugged me "we're gonna be best friends I can tell already" she giggled letting me go.
"I hope so, I just moved here today and I need friends"
"Ohh maybe I can show you around this weekend"
"Yes that would be great"
"Omg we're gonna have soo much fun. There's this place I'm dying to try but I don't wanna go there alone it has soo many fine gu......
"Cassie stop being a chatter box and get back to work" said John.
"Yes sir"
"I'll see you tomorrow Cassie"
I smiled.
"See you then" she waved walking backwords to the kitchen.
Walking out into the busy street of Tennessee I put on the shades I got from the hotel and made my way back to my room. Boy this heat was killing me. I needed a bath. I was so sweaty and these long pants were sticking to me.
After taking a long well needed shower. I looked through my few suitcases they had a few of the clothes Adam bought for me. I found a short black dress and slid it on and paired it with a pair of black thigh high boots. Doing my hair and applying makeup I was ready to go. Grabbing the little purse I had I stuffed cash in it and made my way down to the mall. I bought clothes suitable for the heat and a few hats. Next I went and bought three adorable pairs of cowboy boots. I bought a phone and laptop. Leaving the mall I made my way back to my hotel. I set my phone up and started setting my laptop up. I was waiting for the thingy to load but it was going too slow. I layed my head on the desk and slowly drifted to sleep.

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