Chapter 4

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 Kellin's POV

We'd been here for a few hours and the sun was just starting to set, he apologized that It was so early when we got here. I didn't mind though, I kept telling him that every time he said sorry. I had been laying on him, so if I wanted to say something I would type it on my phone or attempt to sign it backwards.  "Y'know. The sun is setting, giving off a really beautiful scene and I can't stop staring at you." He caught my attention.

I blushed, and he took note of it by brushing his thumb back and forth on my cheek, his other hand was rubbing on my hip.  I giggled as he moved the hand from my hip to my tummy, just chilling. I tiled my head up to look at him, mouthing that he was cute.

"Kellin... I lo-"

I sat up and silenced him with a kiss. He was surprised but kissed me back. He pulled away after a second and held me in my place. "I want to tell you-"

"Stop, If you're trying to tell me what I think so you can't. Not yet, just give me like a week." I assured that he could tell me at some point. "Why?" He sighed and looked at his hands. I used my finger and lifted his chin. "Vic, I want to tell you it too, but I'm waiting for something, A week. That's it, most likely less then a week,"

"Promise?" He held out a pinky. I twisted mine with his and mouthed "Promise."

I sat next to him and hugged him side. I kissed his cheek, as he started to watch the sun. I kept my eyes on him this time. He's so pretty. He's so sweet. He's nice, he perfect. Listen to me, he's got this cute smile. He reads fanfiction and fangirls,  when he's excited about something he can be really hard to understand because he talk so fast. The he'll get frustrated because he has to repeat himself.

I saw him look at me in the corner of his eyes, but when he saw I was staring he turned his head and looked at me. Without saying anything he moved quickly to my lips, not giving me a chance to process what he was doing. He didn't even give me time to kiss him back before he pulled away with a smile. "You should know it's impolite to stare." He changed his smile into a smirk and took my hand. 

I leaned into his lap and watched the last visible bit of the sun disappear. I don't ever wanna leave this man, he's perfect. Maybe not to others, but I don't see a flaw. Jack told me he just needs a few days, not too long though yesterday. He doesn't know what he's learning the guitar part for though, but he knows he's not allowed to tell anyone. "It's pretty, isn't it?" He asked,  causing me to nod.

It was just blissful, whether we were communicating or just watching the view. So sweet and innocent and I loved it, a lot. Maybe it was because I loved him or maybe it was just really relaxing, perhaps it was both. Most likely.

I couldn't help but to let out happy sigh. I saw the first star of the night and pointed to it. "Make a wish."He whispered.

I wish to be with Vic forever. Sure I'm seventeen, but I want him and him only. I could only hope it's the same for him. A breeze of cold hit me and I shivered. "Are you cold?" He asked me and sat up. I nodded cowardly when I got into a more comfortable position. He slid off his hoodie, revealing a long sleeve shirt and handed it to me. "That's pretty warm, should've hand you get a jacket before we left."He chuckled. I slid on the hoodie and instantly felt warmer. "Thank you."

It was a little big on me so by instinct I waved out my arms and giggled. "I'm getting that back, am I?" He gave me this knowing look. I shook my head and smiled. "You're really fucking cute." He laughed. I just stuck out my tongue. He grabbed my hips and picked me up, sitting me on his lap. "You better put that tongue away." He warned. I ignored what he said licked his cheek. "Ewww, Now I really am gunna call you kitten." He whined. I licked the back part of my hand and then started rubbing it against my hair like a cat. He caught my hands and interlocked our fingers before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and took one of my hands away to place it on his neck, him putting his on my chin. It made me really happy, that was until a police car, sirens going off, red light flashing against our skin, forcing us to part

The police got out and hit the truck, causing me to jump from his lap. "Is something wrong?" Vic asked. "Well that's why I was called out here, someone was worried that someone was hurt or abandon. If every things okay with your car I'm going to need identification." He moved to the side of the car so we could get out. This was directed at Vic though, seeing as he only gave me a glace and knew me. He was the one that arrested my dad.

Vic started digging in his wallet in attempt to get his license. When he gave it to him the man looked at me, I couldn't exactly remember his name though."Kellin you too, it's routine." He sent me a soft smile. I nodded and handed him my wallet, too lazy to get it from the pocket.

"Alright, well, I'm going to have to ask you two to leave and go home. I'm sure Mama Quinn is worried and It's nearing nine. We can't have kids making out and probably intending to have sex on the side of the road, It-"

"We were not going to have sex!"Vic choked on air causing me to giggle.

"Either way you were making out. Have a good night guys, Keep it in your pants for a few months, eh?" He ruffled my hair before getting in his car and driving off. "You knew him?" Vic asked. I nodded, "He arrested my dad and then a few months later me for beating up Jesse." I told him while standing up in the pickup.He got up and picked me up by my hips, holding me up in the air.

I let out a squeak, and held on his shoulders. When he took note that I wanted down and slipped his hands up to my and kept me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "We gotta go Kitten." He kissed my cheek  jumped down from the back. he carried me to my seat and then smiled at me as he left to go to the driver's. "Jaime and Tony are at mine, think we can go back to your place?" He asked. I nodded "Arron and Mom will be there but if we go up to my room they'll leave us alone." I told before he started to drive.  He kept both hands on the wheel this time, making me sad but he did say he prefers it that way.

I took this time to look over Vic as he began to sing the song that was playing on the radio. It was MGK, I knew this song.  I tapped my finger as I listened, His voice was so beautiful. He pulled into my drive and we got out, momma and Arron were watching TV.

Only smiles were sent to us as we walked up and went to my room.

"Stay for tonight?"

"Why not?"

Nothing went down besides the occasional kiss, we literally just talked. He made me really happy, It was something about him. I don't know.

Keep Talking, I Love To Hear Your Voice(BoyXBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن