Chapter 5

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Vic's POV

It's been a few days since our date, I enjoyed it very much. In fact I finished the song I was trying to write about him. It was the end of sixth period and I just wanted to see Kellin. I told Mike that I loved Kellin and he freaked out, fangirling like a fucking manic. It was really weird. The bell finally rang and I've learned to take a different route to the art room, it's shorter actually. When I got there, Kellin wasn't there yet. He's always here.

I sat down and frowned at Justin. "Aw are you sad cause the boy you love isn't here?" Mike joked, he's been teasing me about it ever since I told him.

"Where's my Kellin?" I pouted at Justin.

He sighed and looked at me, "This is gay as fuck. Okay? They magically appeared in your hand. I didn't give then to you." He pulled two flower from under the desk and gave them to me. "Kellin told me to give them to you. I don't know what he has planned, but it's probably gay. In a good way. But still really gay." He sighed. "My mom fucking asked me if I'm gay, because my best friend is gay. I swear to god if he makes me start liking dicks I'm going to stab him." He covered his face.

"Someone can't turn you gay, they can make you realize it though."Mike laughed. "And even if you're gay It's okay. A lot of people ask Jaime if he's gay. He's not, he's been dating this Jessica girl since he was ten." I ruffled his hair before looking at the flowers. They were twisted together, a black and white rose. I unrolled the paper attached to the stem and read it. "Go to the beach, take the short route by Mark's Market. Before or after class, which ever you choice but text me which one, it's easier. to sneak out  of the back school door." I smiled at his hand writing, I've always liked it. It seemed a bit shaky though in this note, normally it's so neat. "Okay, I was never here to began with." I told and got out of the class room without the teacher realizing. When I got out of the class I texted him and headed to the backdoor. I saw a red rose against the wall. I picked it up and took the note as I continued walking, reading it.

"I hope you'll like this."

I smiled at it and couldn't help speed up my pace.  I kept my eyes out for any more flowers as I walked. I found one, a orange one against the window of a coffee shop. "I haven't practiced so no judging."

I nodded, what's he going to do? A backflip? Now that I look back I can't help but think how stupid I am. I turned down another road, we went here a few days ago with all our friends. I found another one, bright yellow. His favorite color, "I Make weird faces too. Don't laugh at me either, (I really like this rose though, It's so pretty!)"

So he makes weird faced when he does backflips? Hell yeah! only a few shops away was another rose, this one a darker green. "I'm running out of places to put these. I have four more. Should've thought that through." 

I shook my head at the fool and seen two of the roses, one blue and one purple. I was at Mark's Market by the time I had the two. "I'm allergic to pollen. This was a terrible idea. Thanks Tumblr." said the blue. "Oh my fuck I keep sneezing, I hope your happy." Was the purple, I couldn't help but laugh.

"There should be two more somewhere." I said to myself and looked around. I found it by a line, looking to be drawn by a stick, "Follow the line." said the pink rose. It was a rainbow.  I put the roses in order and the paper back to each one. After sliding them in my front belt loop so they'd stay I followed the line. It led me to a rock, below the rock were two more roses, Like the first except no note. When got up from grabbing it, Kellin was sitting on the rock with Jack next to him, Jack had a guitar. Was Jack going to sing? I didn't think he did.

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