Barstool omega

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(Iwaoikage, short omega Tobio.)

Kageyama silently sits on a barstool in a crowded club with music blaring and people dancing. He ignores the rest of the club. His two alpha boyfriends, Tooru Oikawa and Hajime Iwaizumi were across the room dancing. They'd invited him to join but like every other time he'd turned them down and told them to go alone.

He didn't like dancing in public. Really he didn't like dancing in general. People over sexualised every thing he did because he was an omega. 

Whenever he was young and his parents believed with all their heart that he would be an alpha, his dad had told him one day he'd have long legs and broad shoulders and big feet.

But instead, with his dumb omega genes taking over, he'd become the stereotypical omega size. Short legs, a thin frame and tiny hands.

If only he'd turned out like Tsukishima. The older omega... Friend? Teammate? Tobio wasn't quite sure. Had been blessed with legs a mile long.

So Tobio's tiny legs hung very short over the stool. He swung them absentmindedly as he waited for his boyfriends to stop dancing and that stupid beta to stop flirting with them.

"Aww what's a cute omega like you doing all alone?" Someone sat right next to him. He glanced up with a scowl. He could deal with this. He didn't need to call his alphas over.

Sometimes Tobio hated being an omega.

"What's your name?"

Tobio tried not to bite his head off. "Kageyama Tobio"

"Aww you should smile Tobio! You'd be so cute if you smiled!" The alpha told him.

Tobio didn't like people using his given name. Very few people could say it without him punching them.

But he remembered Hinata insisting that he couldn't punch random strangers, so he held back.

 Tobio could tell that the alpha would tower at least a foot over him. The alpha placed a giant hand over Tobio's soft thigh.

Tobio immediately slapped his hand away, glaring at it enough that it looked like he'd set it on fire.

"Aww feisty huh, you wanna be that feisty in bed?"

Tobio groaned, not one of those!

"I'm here with people."

"Aww but they left you all alone cutie! I'm sure they wouldn't care if you left them."

"They'll be here any minute." He bit back

The alpha smirked.

"But I want to bring you home cutie. Maybe you'd wanna ride me, that your style? Or maybe being rammed into the mattress is more up your alley? I might get a little rough. That alright with you?"

"Stop." Tobio commanded. He turned his back towards the alpha, hoping ignoring him would make him leave him alone.

"Or maybe you'd like to be tied up? Have your arms above your head, legs spread. Completely at my mercy. I could make you come so many times."

"Stop!" Tobio said again. Maybe he should try and call the bartender over. But he was busy with a group of beta and omega girls. He was sure Oikawa and Iwaizumi were still dancing. But couldn't see them because he turned away.

"C'mon little omega. One wonderful night. I'd make you scream." The alpha almost seemed to be begging now.

"I'm leaving." Tobio growled before he hopped off the stool and started off to get his boyfriends and ask them to leave.

"Hey! Don't you leave me!" The alpha yelled. He yanked Tobio until he was almost chest to chest with him, and grabbed his chin to tilt his head upwards.

He tried desperately to remember what that self defense website said. Tobio was strong but this man had all the characteristics of an alpha body. He easily held him in place even as Tobio tried to squirm away.

"Let me go!" He cried out.

"No, you're coming with me prettyboy."

Tobio tried to get out of his grip but the alpha just dragged him through the crowd. 

Tobio squirmed and yelled but no one said anything. Probably assuming he was just having fun with a friend.

"What do you think you're doing with our omega?" A voice asked behind him. It was furious.

The alpha froze and Kageyama finally jerked out of his grip. There in front of him where Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Glaring at the alpha angrily.

The alpha backed away "We were just going off. I didn't know he was taken. He asked for it!" The alpha lied through his teeth.

"I asked you to go away." Tobio said quietly. The scent of angry alpha was... overpowering, to say the least. If he were to be honest it scared him a little.

"C'mon Tobio-chan. Let's get away from this scum. I don't think you want to look at him anymore." Oikawa said viciously. Tobio resisted the urge to whimper.

He followed after Oikawa, not before hearing a few... choice words from Iwaizumi.

"If you ever touch him again I swear I will kill you." He muttered. The alpha was frozen, before he nodded frantically and ran off.

The three walked silently out the building. Oikawa and Iwaizumi seething while Tobio followed them nervously.

For half the walk home they were all silent. Oikawa or Iwaizumi would glance to Tobio every few minutes before turning their eyes back to the street.

"I'm uh... I'm sorry. I promise I told him to stop. He lied." Tobio mumbled, but the two heard him clearly.

"Oh Tobio-chan we know you told him to stop, we're not mad at you!"

He glanced up to Oikawa "Oh..."

"Yeah. We were just ticked because of him." Iwaizumi said without a glance in his direction.

"We just want to keep you safe."

Tobio smiled softly. "Thank you. I love you two."

The two jerked their heads towards him and he flushed bright red. He didn't mean to say that. Were they not ready? Would they ever be ready? Was this relationship not as serious as he thou-

"I love you too." The both answered at the same time.

His mind slowed down and he smiled at the ground.

Sometimes Tobio really loved being an omega.

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