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I woke up this morning with a nagging feeling, a feeling of dread. I recalled last nights events. This is all just a joke! Who the hell is G?! The note seemed way too cheery, I'm not buying shit, but still the feeling never left me. I was becoming uneasy with the whole situation, so I carried my morning like usually with a shower, eating breakfast with Macy and my parents. Thoughts raced through my mind, not really paying attention to my surroundings as I walked to school, that was until I got the feeling of being watched, paranoid or not, this was the worst feeling. I looked at my surroundings, taking in every detail, but saw nothing, so I continued my way to school.

I don't know how to start with this, the feeling was stronger then ever, every time I see a shadow of a person. but when I look to that direction it's gone. Students noticed this behavior and avoided all contact, teachers noticed too but didn't comment on it. Who would want to help a paranoic seventeen year old? No one in this shithole will. All I can tell from the shadow is that it wears black, with a tint of blue. Great for me because I have a creepy stalker, please notice the sarcasm. I want to go home, I think I'll be sick. They won't buy it unless I actually throw up. Highly unlikely. Still the silhouette follows, or whatever it is. I don't want to run into it when I go home, I think I'll take the bus instead, just to be on the safe side. What the hell is wrong with me?! Am I losing my mind?! It was a stupid teenage prank! Nothing more and nothing less! I sighed, guess I'll find out tonight, hope to not be true....who am I kidding of course it isn't. I hope the day will end soon, fuck that, the day can be here anytime. 

"Hun. Would you mind going to the store and buy a gallon of milk and some other things?"  my mother called.

Yes.I actually do mind, I don't want to go to the store late at night for milk, we can get it another time! God damn it, the feeling is still there no matter the times I check the locks on the doors and windows.

"Sure thing" I said in a fake cheery voice, I was in the middle of reading a nice long book, but I do need to get distracted for a while, so I took the car keys and money from my mother and went to the store. When I got there it wasn't like it was supposed to be. I looked.......abandoned. Usually it's half full, and the inside looked more eerie, only one cashier and another person dressed in black, hood up covering its whole face, from what I could tell it was a male, purchasing nothing but meat, and he was behind me in line, I purchased the necessary items and rushed back to the car, panic started setting in for I could not find my keys in my pocket, I looked around frantically, desperate for safety, I felt so vulnerable like this. The sound of metal jingaling was heard next to me, horror was written all over my face, his royal blue mask lifted to reveal a venomous grin, his teeth pointed to the max with specks of flesh and the smell of blood overwhelming my senses, how can this be?! This  is not possible! And here it is before my eyes, sitting on the hood of the car, mocking me by holding the chain with one finger.

"Looking for these?" His voice was deep and demonic.

I stood frozen in shock and in pure terror,  'nononono! It's just a myth! The fucking thing was right! Oh shit what am I doing!' alarms went off in my head, I slowly backed away and looked around for an escape route or any kind of weapon, he had the keys, bags were next to the car, 'I could go back to the store! 'The cashier!!' I sprinted back to the store and looked around for the cashier.

"Holy fuck"  I whispered, I immediately put my hand over my mouth, I made gagging  noises, The young cashier was sprawled across the floor with his stomach cut open, crimson red surrounded him, his eyes were gouged also, no where in sight, his intestines sprawled and chewed about, again I mad a retching noise, the smell of the corpse making me dizzy.

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