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I can't help but feel as if something will go wrong, I did piss of that guy, feeling regret, I lay down, fuck that! I don't feel any fucking regret, that guy is pissing ME off.
​​​​​ I went up back to my room to read more things on the internet, but I couldn't bring myself to read creepypasta, not after that. So I stuck with reading on ebooks.

I felt the damn eyes again. This is getting to my sanity, I just want to fucking read. Fate had other plans in mind. I went downstairs to get some water, on the way, I heard voices in my sisters room, I knocked. "Macy? Who's in there? Can I come in?" The whispers stopped.
"Come in!"
I went in and she was sitting on the floor with the game console from the box, it was an N64, various games spread across the floor, one particular one caught my eye.

Majoras mask,

That sent chills down my spine. Macy was currently playing an old mario game, and the whispers came from her, she was whispering curse words.
"Watch your mouth, mom might hear you." I chuckled.
"Eh, hey wanna play a game?"she asked.
"Yea sure." I replied,
"This one!" She grabbed the majoras mask one, I didn't want to play it, despite my fandom to L.O.Z,
"How about another game instead?" I pleaded,
"No, you'll play this one while I get ready for a slumber party thing." She shoved the controller in my hand and inserted the game,
"I'll know when you didn't play Emily." She pointed at the computer cam, is she fucking serious? Damn it, I forgot she had a slumber party at her friends, fuck, I also forgot my parents go on a buisness trip tonight. That leaves me alone...yay.....probably a psychopathic bastard is outside my window.
Why the hell does she want me to play so badly? I sighed.
"Fine, I'll play the game." I grumbled,
"Thanks! And the reason to make you play is because you know this more than I do..sooo I want you to tell me the hacks." She said.
I gave her my best 'are you serious?' Face.
She laughed and started packing.
"Hey Emily, umm. Are you okay?" She turned to me.
"Yea! Why wouldn't I be?" I faked a smile,
"You sounded panicked last night, and this morning you didn't eat." She paused, "and you look paler than usual." She added.


"The reason I was panicked last night was because I thought I was late coming home, and I didn't eat because I had a big midnight snack, and finally, I'm pale because of spring allergies." I finished.
She seemed convinced and kept packing, but before, I saw a hint of doubt in her eyes.
I looked over at the cartridge, it was gray and faded, the word 'Majora' was in all caps.
It was unsettling looking at it.
"Are you just going to stare at it, or play it?" She huffed,
"Salty much?"I taunted, she huffed again and finished packing just when the doorbell rang.
"That's my friend!" She downstairs, she quickly gathered her stuff and sped downstairs after giving me a quick hug and a reminder to play the game, I sat there looking at the cartridge, debating wether or not I should play it, but something unexplainable was alluring me to play.

I inserted the game and booted up the t.v,
The title filled the screen, I pressed the button to continue, there was a file already made.


My breath hitched, this is some fucked up shit right? Damn kids making pranks again, ha, not giving them the satisfaction of scaring me with some bullshit.

I played the game. Made a new file and named it Link, the game started normally, the controls were fine, and the dialogue, what unnerved me was that the game called me 'Ben' instead of 'Link', 'dumb bugs' I thought,
​​​my gut said to stop playing the game, but my mind said to give into my curiosity, so then my curiosity got the best if me. I played it.
​​It unnerved me even more when the character kept glitching in and out of the game, and calling me 'Ben' more, I saved my game, went to the menu and deleted his profile, hoping that it will solve the problem, it didn't, it made it worse. Instead now, there was no name in the dialogue. Only '___'. I started getting anxious, a strange sensation came over me. It made me want to continue. I played a few times until I went to clocktown, it was deadly silent. There was absolutely nothing. Not even the stray dog that's usually here. In some places, there were empty clots. No pixels to make the scene. Just white. Just when I started looking around, a song played on the background, it was a messed up version of the song of healing. It was playing backwards. I didn't like this at all. This game made me feel an unknown depression, unspeakable fear, and a hint of anger, but the anger was towards whoever made the game. I grew even more anxious. I looked everywhere frantically for signs of life. I have never felt so alone in a game. I made the character run to the dojo, hoping that the man was sitting there. But yet again, he wasn't there. The music grew intense, the hairs on my neck stood at end. There was a light behind me. My face was filled with pure horror. Staring right at me was an elgy statue of link. But his face was of disturbance, a smile that looked without lips, eyes that bore into your soul. It just stood there. Looking at me. I snapped to my senses and made my character run out the dojo, I looked behind for a brief moment only to find it gone. It reappeared once again behind me. It's face was fueling me unknown fear. I hated this, I wanted to stop. Then a text popped up.

'You have met with a terrible fate, haven't you?'

The laughing of the happy masked salesman in the background, I froze, the statue loomering behind me, I started shaking unexpectedly, glitches started in the corners, Out of my fear, I tried attacking it, but as I touched it, the character appeared at the top of the clocktown tower, with skullkid hovering above me, the moon bloody red about to crash in Termina fields, the statue was nowhere to be seen. But all of this is impossible! I was at dawn of the first day! I gripped the controller with shaking hands, I started shooting at skullkid with arrows, desperate for him to fall.

'​​​​​That won't do any good, hehe!' he kept saying while I shot arrows.

After shooting the last arrow, Link burst into sudden flames, it was so sudden my heart stopped in a beat, the happy masked salesmen appeared next to skullkid, a well as that damned statue, they looked down at Link as he still burned, I shook in pure terror as they looked towards the t.v. Link still burned, but what I saw closely was that his head was tilted towards me, while the rest of his body was in a weird angle. At the sight, my veins exploded with anger, I had no idea why, I think it's the fact that one of my favorite characters was part of a fucked up game, no, I won't let this thing have the pleasure of seeing me beat and scared, I shook in anger,
So, I threw the controller at the console.
Immediately everything disappeared and a text popped up,

'you shouldn't have done that'

And everything turned off, not a sound in the room, chills went up my spine. The feeling of being watched was at it again. I looked all over my sisters room for wandering eyes, yet I found nothing.

"Dinner hun!" My mother called from the kitchen.

The sudden noise startled me, I looked over and debated if I should leave it there, If I left it, my little sister would have to go through the horror if se played it, If I kept it, I would probably be beckoned to play, but if I kept it somewhere unknown, I would be fine, probably,

"I'll come down in a minute!" I yelled, So I went over the pros and cons of keeping it, and best thought that I kept it, for the well being of my sister, but also not play it for my mental safety.

​​​I went to have my usual dinner with both my parents buy without Macy, I put up my best smile and the usual attitude as best I could to not raise suspicion, of course they bought it. I finished my food, washed my plate and headed upstairs after saying goodbye and goodnight to both my parents, also wishing them a safe trip.

​​​​​I headed to my room only to be met with my electronical devices formed in a circle, panic grew inside of me,

'Who the hell was in my room?'
'Why the hell did they do this?'

I frantically picked up everything off the floor and put them in their rightful places, after that I heard my parents leaving, I went downstairs to lock the windows and doors, as well as upstairs, when I came back to my room, fear and anger swept my veins, the devices were yet again in a circular position, but this time, each wire was towards the middle, leaving a smaller circle there, I started freaking and put everything away once again, I changed to my sleep wear and climbed to bed, drifting to a deep slumber.

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