Dance into my Heart, Chapter 5

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Gathered around the table, the six of them painted quite a picture. Pizza boxes lay open, napkins littered the table, tomato ketchup was smeared around the plates and everyone sat patting their stomachs absolutely stuffed.

"I don't think I could eat another bite," said Mick Mcpherson, leaning back in his chair.

"I should think so too," commented his wife Laura as she cleared up the plates, "your stomach is like a bottomless pit!"

"As much as I agree with you Mum, Lena beat Dad hands down in the 'who can stuff their face the most' contest," chortled James.

"Hey! That was below the belt," Lena scowled, poking her tongue out at him.

"It would be if you could actually fit a belt around that belly," Lena's Dad, Rick, jibed whilst prodding her bulging stomach.

"Nice one Rick!" sniggered James, leaning across the table to high five her Dad.

Rising from the table, Lena's mother, Irene, sent the pair an amused look.

"Boys, boys lets not pick on poor Lena. It's not her fault pizza turns her into a ravenous beast." 

"Mum! I thought you of all people would be on my side."

"Sorry sweetheart, it was too good an opportunity to miss."

"The abuse I have to put up with," Lena muttered under her breath, sinking lower into her chair.

"I'm sure a few laps around the block will fix it," suggested her father, giggling to himself quietly.

"Aww Lee, I'll help you work it off in Dance Friday, don't you worry," James added.

Shooting upright in her chair, Lena fixed a fierce 'stop talking this instant' glare at her best friend.

A chorus of "DANCE!" rang in the air.

"Urghhh," Lena groaned, clutching her head in despair. "Why would you do that James, why?" she asked, gazing in disbelief at him.

"Well I didn't think it was some great secret Lee, they were going to find out eventually."

"Yes, eventually being the key word in that sentence! I thought I could hold it off until at least next month but clearly you're too much of a blabbermouth for that. Piece of advice, avoid the spy profession when selecting your future vocation."

"I'd be a great spy..." James mumbled as their respective parents converged around them.

Rick was the first to enter the fray.

"Since when did the two of you start dancing again? I thought that was all well and truly history."

Lena sighed, "Since today Dad. This genius over here" she stabbed a finger in James' direction, "thought it would be a great idea". 

"And if you were honest with yourself, you would admit that you loved today's lesson and have missed it ever since we quit." Lena refused to respond, gazing steadfastly at the wall opposite.

Laura and Irene shared a look.

Lena's Mum moved forward, "Well I don't know about the rest of you but I think this is brilliant news."

"I couldn't be in more agreement. The two of you were so adorable, prancing around in those little, matching, spangly outfits we used to make you!"

"Aww, I remember those so well. Personally, my favourite was always the sailor outfit, but the red salsa gear was ridiculously cute as well..." and with that the two women left the room, reminiscing about their children's childhoods and wondering where the photo albums were hiding.

"It's a good job I'm secure in my masculinity..." James mumbled before wandering off.

"I'm glad the two of you have made your grand return to the stage," commented Mick, falling onto the sofa with a beer in hand, "you were good then, so you must be pretty formidable now."

Rick moved to join him. Physically, the two men were very different. Mick was tall and thickly built with dirty blonde hair and dark, brown eyes. Rick was of a more average height and much leaner, his cropped brown hair matching cool, grey eyes. However, both men shared a certain warmth in their expressions - a genial nature that exuded an easy-going attitude that Lena had always found comforting. But looking at her Dad now, Lena could see the frown lines marring his usually happy face.

"It's okay Dad, this dance thing's not that serious. I'm fine," she added, attempting to convince him of her sincerity.

"Okay, if you're sure. It's just I know how bad you felt before when it all... well, you know," he trailed off awkwardly. "I just don't want you to feel that down again."

Getting up, Lena walked over to her Dad and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Dad."

Leaning back, he looked down at her "Always here for you kiddo," he smiled, releasing her. "Go take the rest of the rubbish out, would ya?"


Grabbing a few empty cans of drink and a wodge of unused napkins, Lena made her way to the kitchen.

"BOO!" shouted James, jumping out from behind the door.

"GAAAAHH! James McPherson why do you always insist on sneaking up on me!"

Clutching his sides from laughter, James mussed her hair.

"And you said I'd make a bad spy..."


So, I don't upload in months and then two uploads in the same day! Crazy stuff I know, but I ask you to perservere with me and this story because seeing the support of the people who read, comment and vote for Dance into my Heart really makes me smile. Thanks again and I hope you liked this last chapter - bit of banter going on here ;D 

Lauren xxx

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