Dance into my Heart - Chapter 16

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Lena slipped into her silver high heels and fastened the straps. This was the second time in as many weeks that she had to get all dressed up for a party. Considering how well the first one went, Lena didn't have high hopes for this one.

She was wearing a purple lace dress with long sleeves that rested just above the knee. Flattening the material, she added a couple of pieces of jewellery before making her way downstairs to join her parents. Her Dad was in the hallway wearing one of his nicer suits, fiddling with his tie. 

"Lena, you're ready - well done," he said with a nod of approval.

"Come on Dad, you make it sound like I'm never ready on time."

"Well, your mother's still faffing with something or other so it's good that one of my girls is ready. And you look beautiful by the way," he added, giving her a warm smile.

 "Thanks Dad," she replied shyly.

"Rick, stop bad-mouthing me to our daughter. We're still a good ten minutes early!"

"Good job isn't it," he ribbed light-heartedly. Her Mum just gave him an indulgent look.

They were all distracted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Being closest to the door, Lena moved to open it, revealing the entire McPherson family on the doorstep.

"Aww Lena you look amazing honey," she was quickly enveloped in a tight hug by James' mother, "I feel like we haven't seen you in ages!" 

Lena felt a wave of guilt, "Sorry Laura - I've been busy," she glanced at James who looked away awkwardly. 

"So are we all ready?" Mick, with his larger than life personality, boomed merrily. They all made their exit from the house and entered their two cars, travelling to the hotel conference room where the party was being held.

The party was already well underway when they arrived. The alcohol was in full flow and the tables were full of happily chatting colleagues trying to be heard over the music. Quickly both Lena and James' fathers were sucked into the crowd of people, forced to do the whole meet and greet thing. Similarly, Laura and Irene had immersed themselves in gossiping, slowly edging their way towards the drinks.

That left her and James.

They hovered near the entrance, neither speaking. Lena glanced at the door and wondered whether she could make a dash for it. This was much harder than she expected.

"I'm going to get a drink," she mumbled, swiftly leaving James and making her way across the room to the refreshment table. She picked up the nearest glass of wine and took a big gulp. Technically she was underage, but she figured people were too distracted to notice her snag one drink. Besides, she needed it more than they did.

With nothing else to do, Lena simply hovered with her parents. She would flick from one to the other occasionally before coming to the conclusion that neither had an interesting conversation going between them. After an hour of tedium, Lena found herself standing in the corner of the room, just watching the world go by idly. She was quite peaceful until she saw a figure heading firmly in her direction.

James approached her, holding out his hand.

"Dance with me?" The question was so innocent, yet Lena simply stared at him nervously, wrapping her arms around her body.

"Come on Lee," he gazed at her imploringly, "just one dance..."

Taking a tentative step towards him, Lena slowly raised her hand and placed it in his outstretched one. James lightly squeezed her fingers and after a short pause she returned the pressure.

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